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3. Jon's new wardrobe

2. Magical wardrobe

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's new wardrobe

on 2013-12-02 16:17:17

1320 hits, 77 views, 0 upvotes.

Body Swap FTP Inanimate MC Magic Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super Unaware

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Jon opened his wardrobe door and looked inside. There were a string of dresses, skirts and blouses hanging. Inside the drawer, Jon found panties, bras, tights and stockings. Opening another drawer revealed several pairs of women's shoes.

Jon ran his hand over the nearest dress, feeling the material and admiring the design. He took off his nightie.

First Jon found a pair of black sheer tights and put them on. Expertly, Jon pulled them up gently, so as not to ladder them. Then, he put on a pair of pink frilly panties, and a matching bra. For the skirt, he chose a denim miniskirt, frayed at the edges, and then finally, a patterned t-shirt with a picture of the latest boyband on it. Jon ummed and ahhed over the shoes, deciding on a pair of wedges, which lifted him up about three inches.

Jon admired himself in the mirror, but then his door opened and his mom walked in. Looking at him, his mom said; "What the hell are you wearing, Jon?"

Jon grabbed the stone and quickly said "I wish that everyone would think it normal that I like wearing women's clothing."

There was a glow and Jon's mom looked him up and down and said; "Yes, Jon, very nice. Now can you please come downstairs, Karen's at the door."

Jon smiled to himself and followed his mom downstairs.

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