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25. What Are Friends For?

24. Overstimulated

23. Back At Legendary Pete's

22. It's Totally Automatic

21. And I Will Always Love You

20. Down A Dark Path

19. More Bar Talk

18. At Legendary Pete's Bar

17. Chapter 2: The Fall Of Us All

16. Hate and Fate


14. Day 9

13. It's Cold In the Empty Void

12. Things Hit Home

11. They Taketh Away and They Give

10. Approaching Storm On the Horiz

9. Flipping Through the Programmi

8. Smells Like Change

7. Horror, Now Coming To You LIVE

6. Infamous and Invisible

I5: What Are Friends For?

on 2013-10-29 18:09:43

1070 hits, 67 views, 1 upvotes.

Body Swap Musc Omni Unaware

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The next Monday I put in for time off and gushed to my coworkers about the exciting vacation Roger and I had planned and then booked over the weekend.

Mike, Todd, and Doug all seemed excited and/or jealous for me but surprisingly Rachel just seemed to smile and nod blankly. I had noticed that over the last two weeks that not only had my husband been acting weird, but my friend Rachel had been too.

I spent the next few days prodding her for details, but she was highly insistent that nothing was wrong. I figured it was her latest failed relationship with ummm .what's is name. Shoot, Rachel kept dating losers that were so similar to each other I can't keep them straight. I mean I care about Rachel as a friend but when you keep dating laughably pathetic wanna be gangstas to satisfy some childish "bad boy" fetish , you shouldn't be surprised when the bad boys turn out to be shallow, immature, and .BAD!

On Friday Rachel took me aside and asked me to come to her place after work. Something really important was happening, but she wouldn't say what. I briefly thought she had gotten zapped, but she looked the same and I hadn't heard of any attacks in our area in some time. Rachel also hadn't traveled anywhere recently from what I knew. Oh shit, I figured, one of the losers got her knocked up!

I agreed to meet her and made up an excuse to the guys about why we couldn't go to Legendary Pete's tonight. Something about dresses I said, they didn't seem to care too much or suspect anything was up.

After work I drove over to Rachel's house and went up to the door. I knocked on the door and Rachel answered it looking oddly nervous. Why was she so spooked?

Once inside I asked her what all this was about.

"I have to tell you something. Promise you won't say anything to anyone." She said with a serious tone.

I promised.

"I was reprogrammed when I was at the Three Rivers casino with Devon a few weeks ago!"

I was stunned and said, "Oh my God! Rachel No! That's awful! I Haven't heard anything about that attack, what did those sick fuckers do to you?"

"Umm, I probably should just show you rather than try to explain it." Rachel said before she slowly slipped off her panties, revealing the biggest penis I had ever seen in person!

"Holy ..FUCK Rachel!" I said with my eyes wide open,trying to process the porn star sized penis that had grown on the otherwise feminine body of my best friend.

"There's more." She said

MORE?!? I said in total shock.

She took her bra off and let it fall to the floor. There on her breasts where her nipples should be were instead two small and soft penises. There was no trace left of her nipples, her nipples were now full penises!

"Oh my gid Rachel, are you ok? Have you been to a doctor?"

"Yeah, and I'm ok, other than the obvious. All of my female parts are gone, they were all replaced by this .thing." As she said 'thing' she hefted her considerable cock with her hand.

"Oh shit. And what about your uh...nipples?" I asked looking at the twin penises on her breasts.

"Well as you can see they are penises now obviously, fully functional too. Also, my mammary glands have been altered into semen glands. There is also an odd sort of prostate tissue inside each of my breasts that propels, ejaculate when I you know, orgasm."

Rachel was obviously upset by her changes, but was oddly calm about them too as she described them. I suppose she had been freaking out for the last three weeks at least, maybe more. I can't say for sure when she had started to change.

I had never seen Rachel naked before she changed. I imagine before all these penises she was a very lovely woman. She had such a feminine body and face; it was so odd to see all these very masculine penises jutting from her.

Much to my dismay seeing her very large and impressive manhood was causing me to um, get excited a bit. I felt bad admitting that to myself but they WERE impressive male organs. And I was a full blooded woman after all.

Wait, if Rachel had been changed for a while, why did she act so weird a few minutes ago? I began to wonder why Rachel had brought me over here in the first place.

I asked her something to break the awkward silence. "So, Rachel, how is um, your boyfriend taking all this?"

"Huh? Oh, Devon took off once my vagina sealed up. Fucking loser. I don't miss him a bit. Besides, ever since I changed I feel like I've been craving something, you know, different."

"Different?" I asked.

"Well, this is embarrassing to admit another woman, but I've been finding myself attracted to...other women."

At the same time she said this, I could see her various penises already starting to become erect. Her breast penises when erect were at least as big as my Husband's. Her big penis was obviously ...far larger. It was "growing" very clear why Rachel had wanted me to come over.

Rachel surprised me by coming towards me and forcefully kissing me. I was surprised by her strength but even more surprised when I found myself responding to her warm tongue in my mouth. I began to kiss her back!

I felt her breast penises brush against my own breasts as she thrust herself towards me.

Rachel broke her kiss and said, "Take your clothes off Susan."

I started to protest and was going to remind her I was married but she took my hand and placed it on her hard long cock between her legs. I don't know why, but I felt myself wanting it. It was probably being neglected by my husband for the past month, but I was horny beyond what I reasonably should be. My mind was screaming that it was wrong, but I felt almost compelled by it.

I got undressed and Rachel led me to her bedroom. She began playing with my pussy and as a former woman she was VERY good at it! I was soon oozing moisture like I never had before!

Then, Rachel made her move to mount me. She crawled on top of me and I could see her large imposing manhood jutting from her groin as her two breast cocks swayed on the ends of her pendulous breasts.

She didn't say a word as she lined the head of her rock hard penis against my soft feminine entrance and...THRUST into me!

She was actually hurting me! Her massive rod was so much more than anything I had ever taken before. I was about to ask her to stop when she suddenly she looked right at me and then yelled at me, "Who's your daddy bitch?"

"What?" I asked in total confusion. I thought I had misheard her.

She slapped me across the face, HARD. It really hurt. It also surprised the hell out of me.

Then she looked right at me and yelled, "Who's your fucking daddy bitch?!?"

I just stammered out a quiet reply, "You are Rachel!"

The pain still hurt but all of a sudden it was also making me happy in a very odd way. I felt so submissive to this triple cocked mutant. Sex with Roger was so loving and mutual, this was...NOT!

Rachel grunted and forced the entire rod in, stretching my already sore hole out even more. I had never been so filled by a penis in all my life. I don't know why but I started to realize..I loved this!

"It hurts so good" I groaned through gritted teeth. "Put it all in me, I can take it."

Rachel pulled back slightly and then thrust forward even harder. I had only taken about eight inches before her oversized rod wedged against my cervix.

The new level of pain startled me, snapped me out of my weird trance I had been in. I suddenly screamed and started bucking my hips and flailing my legs trying to get away from this rod I had impaled in me. There were tears rolling down my eyes as Rachel kept a firm grip on my waist and held me fast to her hard cock.

I calmed down after a few minutes, but still sobbed.

"Do you want me to pull out?" she asked in an annoyed tone.

I had to think. I wanted to end the pain, but a new part I felt in me was enjoying this. Something I had never been in touch with before wanted her to continue.

"No Rachel, I want you to fuck me hard, I want you to stretch me out. I want you to make my pussy yours!"

She smiled and continued to thrust into me even harder. I felt as though I would tear from end to end.

"Fuck me Rachel, fuck my married pussy. Ugh! Give me that big cock." I continued to groan and talk dirty the whole time Rachel fucked me.

She gave it right back, "You like my big fat cock slut? You like me fucking you with my cock? You like me fucking you more than your little husband nibbling on your cooch?"

It hurt my feelings a bit to hear talk about Roger like that but it also turned me on. I screamed, "YES! Oh god yes this is so much better. Fuck me with your big cock Rachel. Make me your bitch!"

"Who owns your pussy?"

"You do!"

"Is this your pussy?"


"Is it your husbands?"

"No Rachel, it's YOUR pussy Rachel. Fuck me please!"

Towards the end, the pain died down and it actually started to feel really good.
I could feel her heavy balls shake as they tensed up and she emptied her load into me.

I could tell my pussy was a sore mess of cum and blood.
She wasn't done.

I looked up at Rachel and saw her stroking both of her mutated nipple penises. She leaned in towards me and placed the tip of her left breast cock right upon my slightly gaped mouth.

"Suck my tit cock." She said quietly.

I silently complied and took the breast penis into my mouth and began to give it fellatio. My god I hadn't done this since long before Roger lost his sex drive. I had never enjoyed doing it for him.

Rachel had her eyes closed and was obviously enjoying my efforts. As I sucked the stiff male rod that jutted from her feminine breast I ran my hands over the soft tissue of that breast. I used my free hand to fondle the other breast as well as the penis that was attached to it.

I had her huge main penis still embedded in my vagina, I was sucking another penis and held a third in my hand. I was getting gang banged by just one woman!

I actually felt her breast pulse as the penis attached to it suddenly shot a hot sticky load of male cum into my mouth. I quickly began swallowing it and was trying not to choke on Rachel's salty load.

When her breast had finished delivering it's load into my mouth she pulled her penis out of my mouth. A few drops of cum dribbled out of my mouth and ran down my chin as she did.

She opened her eyes, gave me a wicked smile and said, "You're not done, now suck my other tit cock."

Before I had time to react I found yet another penis shoved into my face! Once again I sucked and licked the entire length of her mutant male appendage. This penis lasted the least amount of time of them all. Before long this breast also came and started filling my mouth with hot sticky male semen. I swallowed that load as well.

Rachel un-mounted me and went to the bathroom to clean off. I just laid there on her bad covered in semen and wondered, what the fuck had I just done?

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