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3. Jon Waits For Now

2. Meeting at school

1. You Are What You Wish

Cheer Practice

on 2014-08-19 19:17:19

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I thought for a moment, but decided that it would be better to avoid making a hasty wish right now. Besides, the girls were walking away, and I had plenty of time to think of something later.

The school day passed fairly uneventfully, though I did wish that I had my history homework finished before going into class.

After school, I waited for Karyn in our usual spot, but after a few minutes it became clear that she wasn't coming.

"I wish I knew where Karyn was." I said, and instantly I knew that she was in the gym practicing with the other cheerleaders. Angrily, I shoved my stone into my pocket and hurried over to the gym.

I had calmed down a bit by the time I got there. I arrived and slipped in the side door, then moved around the bleachers where I could see the cheerleaders practicing their routine. They were in uniform, and I could see that Karyn was with them (though it took me a moment to recognize her with her new hairstyle).

As much as I hated to admit it, the cheerleaders looked very sexy. The school's cheerleading uniform was pretty conservative, but I enjoyed watching them all the same. Then I grinned as I reached into my pocket, touching the stone, and whispered a wish: "I wish that the school cheerleading uniform were sexier."

The flash wasn't visible since the stone was hidden in my pocket, but I felt a strange sense of having to look away from the cheerleaders. When I looked back, they were dressed in incredibly skimpy uniforms, like something out of a teenage fantasy. Which, I supposed, was exactly correct.

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