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3. Magic World

2. Alignment of the Stars

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic World

on 2014-04-25 18:45:43

1022 hits, 37 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon had spent much of the school day daydreaming about the possibilities of the stone. Although he was nervous about the possibility to inadvertently cause harm or even simply to cause nuisance (as Karyn had already done to herself), Jon simply could not put aside thoughts about the stone's capabilities.

Jon's chief complaint about his life was that it was boring. He loved reading fantasy novels, especially set in modern day. Urban fantasies and whatnot. Everything from Harry Potter to Lev Grossman's Magicians series to Ilona Andrews's Kate Daniels's books. Jon wanted the world to be more like those stories, more exciting and full of magic. Jon decided to wish for it, knowing (or so he thought) that his wish would be limited to just a small portion of his town.

Holding the stone, Jon began, "I wish that two years ago magic had become a real and relatively prominent part of modern life.
"I wish there were various classes of magic users, ranging from level 1 to level 10, with ones being the most common and least powerful and tens being the least common and most powerful.
"In fact, I wish that I was the only level 10 in the world, but no one but me knew it. To everyone else, I should just seem like a middle of the road magic user until I reveal otherwise--maybe a level five: still powerful, but not all-powerful.
"I wish everyone had some kind of magical specialty and that that specialty pertained to each person's personality. Level ones should only have one or two, level twos two or more, all increasing up to level 10, me, and I have enough magical power to do any kind of magic I want.
"I wish that only Karyn and I were aware of these changes and that our school had become a center for magical education, with the teachers more powerful than any of the students, except for me of course, and the higher up the faculty member, the more powerful they became. So, the principal is the most powerful magician in the school (again, except for me, of course).
"Finally, I wish I have the full magical abilities of the wishing stone without having to make wishes."

The stone glowed bright red, registering Jon's wishes. It grew so hot Jon had to drop it and shot a red beam of light through the ceiling of Jon's bedroom. Though Jon couldn't see it, that beam shot into the atmosphere, expanding into a red aura surrounding the entire planet in a matter of moments, and then it was gone, leaving the world changed forever.

When the light died down, Jon bent down to pick up the stone from where he had dropped it on the floor, but it was gone.


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