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3. First Signs

2. Revenge from the Future

1. You Are What You Wish

First Signs

on 2015-01-11 17:06:40

1324 hits, 52 views, 0 upvotes.

Body Swap FTM FTP Musc NBM Omni SciFi Size Super TF

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I wrapped a bathrobe around my body, getting ready to go shower. I noticed that I still had an erection. That was strange - I sometimes woke up with a "morning wood" but it usually faded within a minute or two of my being awake. I had been up for several minutes now, and it was still rock-hard.

I reached down and touched it, and I instantly forgot all of my anxieties about the missing stone. A flash of erotic pleasure raced up my spine, and I involuntarily let out a soft moan. Naturally, I had played with myself before, but I couldn't remember it ever feeling this good! I started to stroke my cock back and forth slowly. It felt better than anything I had done in my life. I laid down on my bed, with my bathrobe open, slowly stroking my cock back and forth, back and forth, revelling in the warm, erotic pleasure. I felt myself starting to approach a climax, and I thought about grabbing a sock or some tissues to clean up, when there was a knock at my door.

"Jon, are you decent?"

It was my younger sister, Zoe. I was feeling strangely befuddled - the intense feelings from my cock were making it hard to think straight. Without considering what Zoe had just said, I called out "Yeah?"

My door swung open. Zoe stuck her head inside, about to say something, when her jaw dropped in a look of shock and disgust. I tried to cover myself up, but my arms wouldn't respond - my right hand just kept stroking my dick, faster and faster, and my left hand flopped helplessly, clenched tightly shut.

"Oh God, Jon, why didn't you just tell me to come back later? For fuck's sake, I didn't need to see that!" she said, slamming the door.

My face flushed with embarrassment. My sister had just caught a full view of me, lying on my bed, stroking my cock like some kind of pervert. Fuck! I tried to get up, but my body betrayed me. In fact, getting caught jerking off seemed to make me feel even more turned on, and my right hand fapped faster and faster. I fought to regain control of my left hand, and was trying to grasp for the box of tissues beside my bed when I climaxed!

It was the most powerful orgasm I had experienced in my life. My body nearly folded in half with the force of it. I felt the muscles in my groin contracting so hard that they started to cramp up! I involuntarily moaned loudly enough that I was sure everyone in the house could hear me. Strangely, though, nothing came out of my penis. Usually, any orgasm included a hot gush of sticky semen shooting a foot or more out of me, but this time there was nothing. Instead, a warm tingling sensation rushed across the surface of my skin. It was followed shortly by a horrible, tight, cramping sensation from my crotch. It felt like a charlie horse centered on my balls!

My whole body curled up into a fetal position and I felt nauseated from the pain. I clenched my teeth and fought to stop from crying out again. The cramping feeling intensified until I couldn't even see - everything was a binding white pain. The feeling subsided slightly, and then came back even more intensely than before. I reached down and grabbed my balls with both hands, trying to do anything to stop the pain.

As soon as I touched my ballsack, the pain vanished, leaving a cold horror in its place. Something was wrong - I held my scrotum in both hands, but I couldn't feel my balls! I sat up instantly and looked down between my legs. My cock was starting to soften, at last, but below it sat a flat, wrinkled, empty flap of skin. My nutsack was empty! My balls were gone!

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