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6. Meeting Their Partners

5. Youth Citizen Interchange Exch

4. Selected for a Special Program

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

YCIE: Meeting Their Partners

on 2023-03-15 04:08:14

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Dr. Stacy clicked a button and the image changed to show several photographs depicting the same woman. Jon gulped slightly as he instantly recognized her, Fiona Apollo. The woman was dressed in athletic wear in most of the pictures, showing off her killer physique in various positions, posing either with gym equipment or in various yoga poses. She had wavy long red hair, mesmerizing green eyes, and flawless tanned skin; suffice to say she was an absolute knockout.

"This is Ms. Fiona Apollo, age 26, who some of you might know as the owner of Olympus Athletics downtown. Ms. Fiona also works personally as a personal trainer for select clients, and as you can see from these pictures, maintains a robust social media presence," the doctor cheerfully explained. That was where Jon knew her from, his mom attended her gym, and like half the male population of Lakeview he followed the trainer's instagram. Jon wasn't particularly into fitness, but he was absolutely into Fiona. Lily brightened up a bit seeing Fiona was one of the participants, asking "She agreed to switch with one of us?"

Ms. Lafayette waved her hand dismissively, "all Lakeview residents are required by law to do this sort of civil service upon request. I'm sure she's delighted to show her community spirit." Karyn glared daggers at Jon; she was sure there was no such law on the books before his stupid wish.

The images shifted to show a gorgeous dark haired woman who looked like some sort of real life Amazon. "This is Dr. Elaina Wembley, age 28, a professor of archaeology at Ivy College," Stacy explained. Ivy College was a prestigious private university located in Lakeview. "Elaina is a rising star in the field of archaeology, and well liked by her students and colleagues alike. Most of the images showed her in well fitted professional wear, but there were also some of her in field outfits, apparently taken on digs. "The good doctor also hails from Britain originally, so the exchange will give one of you an opportunity to experience a foreign culture," Ms. Lafayette added.

"That could be fun," Kyla muttered quietly enough that Jon doubted anyone else heard. Apparently the wallflower wasn't entirely opposed to spending sometime living as a glamorous archaeologist.

With another click the images changed again, to reveal a somewhat schlubby looking guy with an attempted goatee and seemingly perpetually red eyes. "Is that our pool guy!?" Lily blurted out. Dr. Morgan tutted slightly, "Yes this is Stu Duncan, age 20, who, as Ms. Vanderfield pointed out, works as a pool technician, servicing a variety of private pools in the Lakeview area." One of the guy's pictures had him a blue polo emblazoned with a Pool Services logo. Jon was actually vaguely familiar with the man, since he'd been a senior when they started as Freshmen and was Jay Duncan's older brother. "Isn't he a little young for the stated purpose of the program?" Leonard asked, "I mean he was just in high school, how much will he get from going back?"

"You'd be surprised by how much can change in a short time, Mr. Drullers," Ms. Lafayette answered. "I'm sure Mr. Duncan will get a lot of of the YCIE, as will whichever of you exchanges with him." Considering Stu Duncan had a reputation of being a massive stoner, Jon somewhat doubted whoever was paired with him was going to learn much more than what his preferred strain was.

"Our final two participants are a bit exciting, since they're quite closely connected," Dr. Munroe explained as she pressed the slide button one more time. This time the photos were split between two people, who most of them instantly recognized as the McMillans, Sarah's parents. Susan looked like an older version of her daughter, golden blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and curves in all the right places. She was older, naturally, but even at 35 she was still as stunning woman. By contrast, Roger McMillan was an older gentleman well into his fifities. He wasn't unattractive, but his hair had shifted to silver, and there was a slight gut beginning to form on his once athletic frame.

"As I'm sure most of you know, Roger McMillan is head of McMillan Industries, which is the largest private employer here in Lakeview, so one of you will be getting some excellent corporate experience. His wife, Susan McMillan, will also be participating and should prove an exciting partner; the socialite has her hand in several charities around town, in addition to managing the McMillan household," Dr. Munroe finished cheerily.

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