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9. Finishing

8. Pairing Up

7. Health Class

6. Lunchtime

5. ABO Academy

4. ... there was one final game t

3. ... it had been so long since

2. ... it was the first of many y

1. The Future of Gaming

A Friend in Need

avatar on 2023-03-17 17:39:02

103 hits, 4 views, 1 upvotes.

FTP Inanimate Musc Myth Unaware

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We were still waiting around for the others to finish. Dustin was gripping his partner's hips hard and was grinding really hard against his ass. "Fucking take my nut, you bitch!" he growled. "Fuck you, no way!" the boy shot back angrily. The partner was obviously not someone that was used to submitting. Dustin did not mind that at all. If anything, it only egged him on, and he went even harder. When the whistle was blown, Dustin glared at the boy under him and got up. We then back to the locker rooms to change back into our school clothes. I gathered my team and we went in. Sheldon, Gerald, Harry and I were in the corner. Some of the boys came up to me. They all were either rude and condescending or nice and complementary. I smiled and made small talk with the ones that were nice and just ignored the assholes. Terrance enthusiastically pat Sheldon on the back. "I saw you out there with Susan today! Good job keeping up with us." he said loudly. Dustin came over and glared intensely at us. Terrance raised an eyebrow. He was not the biggest or strongest but did not back down.

Putting my school uniform on, I made sure my group was doing the same. The 2 were staring each other down. I got in between them and said "I am sorry about today. I really wasn't expecting Susan and Brittney to pick me. If it happens again, I'll send one of them your way." I said to Dustin. He glared at me and slammed his hand on the locker beside me. I flinched from the loud noise. "Don't get in my way, loser. Sheldon's pussy is mine." he said before he walked off. That was very concerning to me. He was the overbearing, obsessive type. I looked at Sheldon. He looked down at the floor with his fists balled up. Gerald and Harry each pat him on a shoulder. There was a sense of despair among them. I got the feeling that there was likely nothing else that they could do for Sheldon. Terrance looked at him and said "Don't worry about it. I know you, alright. We've been in the same school since the 4th grade. You're smart and proactive unlike an omega. It's likely that you'll be a beta no matter what. Even if he does turn you, there's no way his family can pay the breeching price. Dustin's too poor."

That was not really a comfort. As an omega, he'd be losing a whole list of rights going forward. Apparently, even his right to keep his balls. "You will find someone better to take care of you. Hopefully not an asshole like him. See you guys later." Terrance concluded before returning to his locker. I asked them more about Terrance and their bully named Dustin. "I'll fill you in after school." We went through the rest of the day without much incident. After school, I realized that both Terrance and Sheldon were on the school Cheer Team. It was a co-ed group of cheerleaders that not only went to their sports games, but they also did competitions of their own. Gerald, Harry and I just watched from the sidelines. They were pretty good. Because they were boys, they were launching the girls in the air and catching them. They were also lifting them up with their arms so they could stand and pose. It was pretty cool. Especially from a scrawny kid like Sheldon. When they were done for the day, Sheldon came over to us. "Great practice." Gerald said. "Amazing as always." Harry added. Sheldon smiled a bit.

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