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12. The Rally

11. Working Hard

10. A Proposal

9. Finishing

8. Pairing Up

7. Health Class

6. Lunchtime

5. ABO Academy

4. ... there was one final game t

3. ... it had been so long since

2. ... it was the first of many y

1. The Future of Gaming

Getting a Team Together

avatar on 2023-03-17 17:47:34

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A couple of weeks passed after that. Susan became my regular partner. The boy that used to be her partner had to be paired with Terrance. His name was Taro. He was not in our class either. Terrance was a good sport and alternated each time. He was not too concerned with being an alpha. He came from 2 beta parents. We were told that our parents would be coming at the end of the month to see us perform. That was a bit of pressure added on the boys. The girls were expected to just stay in position and take it. We were going to actually need to show that we could be dominant in front of an audience. Sheldon told us that his father was coming to spectate. If he was not pleased, he was going to take Sheldon's balls. While we were working on it, letting him hump us was not official. The school was sending all the parents semi regular updates on their student's progress during Health. It was the standard procedure apparently. That still reflected a very submissive and meek boy. None of us here could help that. It was going to be an afterschool session. It was going to be a 3 hour event.

Basically, it was a free for all in the gym with the parents in the stands watching. The minigame was 10 and a half minutes long. That left time for 17 pairings if you had a monster with the stamina to go for the whole time without a break. We had to have a plan going into the event. It was really simple. We would just have to shut Dustin out. Hogging Sheldon all to himself was obviously his plan. It would totally seal Sheldon's fate. There was 4 of us and only 1 of him. If we just let him hump us all in a row at the start, that was over half an hour of him dominating. Gerald and Harry could alternate amongst themselves when Sheldon was humping me. I would also let the twins hump me when Sheldon was paired with the other. That way, they would also get a good showing in for their parents. I was confident from how high my scores as a top were that girls would still let me mount even if I took my time to get to them. I was going to have to wait until then. In the meantime, we were letting Sheldon get all of his practice in to prepare. He also had his duties on the Cheer Team. We watched over him.

Terrance learned what we were up to and asked if he could join in. I said "This is just for Sheldon. His dad's going to cut his balls off if he can't perform at the rally. If you want to join in that means Sheldon is going to be on top. I don't need someone else ruining it for him. Are you in, or not!?" I asked harshly. Terrance raised an eyebrow. It seemed he was annoyed but holding back from speaking his full mind. "Yeah. I guess I can lend him my ass for a few minutes. Letting him mount different people will help him more in the long run anyway." he said. Terrance then joined us in the last 3 days of practice. It was good. He was finally able to go for a minute straight without having to stop himself. Dustin was also going extra hard during Health class. He had gotten to the point that he was able to lift Sheldon's leg during the practice mating. I am certain the only reason Sheldon did not cum in his pants right there was because we were fighting the conditioning by letting him top us. Even then, he was moaning and leaking like a faucet. The only other one that bad was Susan because of my big scores.

On the day of the rally, we had a final Health class. I asked Terrance if he could help us out while we were changing. "Sure. What is it?" he asked me. I sighed and told him the basic plan and said "We still need someone to block Dustin at the start. Can you get in his way!? I don't need you to risk a fight and not be able to perform. Just a distraction will do at the rally." Terrance said "Of course. Someone's got to take him on. Other than you, no one comes close to his scores. As a guy it might get a bit messy out there, but if I could top him, it would set me over the moon with my parents and the rest of the coaches in the grade." That was certainly true. Letting Sheldon top me would already cause a big splash in the school. Things were going to be good. The Cheer Team was going to open the event. Because several members of the rally were in the team they were dressed in the purple and gray spandex outfit. They were the focus of the routine. I enjoyed it. Gerald and Harry pointed out their parents and Sheldon's father. He was a hairy, tall and mean looking guy. His mother was not there.

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