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3. Stunt Double: Jon meets Scarle

2. Stunt Double: Avenger

1. You Are What You Wish

Stunt Double: Jon meets Scarlett

on 2015-04-02 15:35:24

2421 hits, 133 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Anthro FTP Inanimate Myth Omni Unaware

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Jon found himself standing in a small trailer as a series of loud bangs rang out from the door.

"We need you on set in Five!" a voice followed.

Jon looked around, the trailer was small, had a bed, a table and a set of chairs. There was fruit and snacks laid out on the small kitchen counter. Jon smiled to himself at how cool this was going to be. It was as he walked to the door of the trailer that he noticed that he was wearing shoes with a high heel. He caught himself on the wall as he stumbled, being unaccustomed to wearing boots like this, and took a closer look at what he was wearing.

He had small leather boots, with a wedge heel, Tight spandex and leather pants, that hugged his legs and made them look fantastic. His ass looked even better, his hips were slightly padded, and the pants ended above his belly button, making his waist look very trim. The black tank-top he wore was equally as tight, and was being pushed out, by very realistic breast forms, that he found were attached to his chest with some form of adhesive. It was then he noticed he was wearing a red wig, which was also attached to his head with an adhesive.

A quick look in the mirror over the bathroom sink verified that with the makeup he was wearing, and the wig, he looked very similar to Black Widow.

"Fuck." he muttered "I'm Scarlett Johansson's Stunt Double!"

"JON!" Someone called out, as the door to his trailer opened. His first instinct was to hide, but in this small trailer that was impossible. He peaked out of the bathroom, and saw a Beautiful woman, who was dressed exactly like him standing in the door.

"C'mon, buddy, we gotta get to set." She said, waiting for him to come with her. Jon, not knowing what else to do, hopped out of the trailer and followed Scarlett to the set.

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