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23. Sarah McMillan

22. Back to Karyn and Jennifer

21. Meanwhile... back in Madison h

20. Next morning

19. Ember and Karyn meet

18. 1 hour later

17. Back at Karyn's house

16. At Karyn's house

15. Fun is interrupted

14. Karyn has an idea

13. Some time later

12. Metamorphosis

11. She is not angry

10. Day in school

9. Lesbian

8. Next morning

7. Trust it.

6. Jon meets Evil Entity

5. Entity wants to... help?

4. Evil entity

Sarah McMillan

avatar on 2015-05-04 13:36:24

1466 hits, 83 views, 3 upvotes.

Age Anthro Body Swap FTP MC MTF Musc Part Swap Part Theft Size

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Both Karyn and Jennifer were super surprised to see Sarah McMillan crying her eyes out while sitting on bench in the park. Both of them looked at each other, engaging into mental conversation "Well, didn't see that coming. What should we do?" Karyn asked Jennifer "Don't know. Comfort her or something? This is first time I saw her crying ever, so it must be pretty serious. And we know that she isn't that much of a bitch." Karyn frowned "Guess we could try. But do you honestly think she will accept our help?" Jennifer shrugged "Probably not, but we could try. I would feel pretty horrible leaving her here by herself." Karyn sighed "Okay, but I'm only doing this for you. Let's go and hope she doesn't bite our heads off."

Both of the girls walked closer to Sarah, Jennifer deciding to start the talk "Sarah? Oh god, what happened to you?" Sarah tried to brush her tears off, after rising her head to see Jennifer and Karyn "Oh, it is you two. Great. Here I was thinking that my day couldn't get any worse. Well? What are you waiting for? Laugh. I'm sure you will find my misery funny. Hell, whole school will be able to laugh now that you saw me."

Jennifer looked at Karyn for a second and then looked back at Sarah "Look, we aren't going to laugh. I myself had a pretty rough day yesterday, so I would be hypocrite if I laughed at your pain." Karyn nodded "I agree. You are obviously very upset about something." Sarah sniffed, looking from Jennifer to Karyn and then back to Jennifer. "And why would you care? I was a total bitch to you two. Hell, I was bitch to everyone. Wouldn't be surprised if whole school would celebrate seeing me like this." Karyn looked at Sarah "Because it would be wrong to not do anything. That and both me and Jennifer could tell that you didn't really mean it with whole bitchy act." Jennifer nodded "Yeah. It looked a bit faked. Your eyes showed some guilt when you were treating others horribly. Whole thing seemed more like someone taught you to act like that and not your true personality."

Sarah's eyes widened at that. She thought her acting was perfect. No-one figured it out before. Not her parents. Not Biff. Not her so-called 'friends'. And now the queen lesbians of school told her that they saw right through the act. "What do I do?.." she thought to herself. After a few minutes she sighed "Ah, what the hell. It is not like I have any friends that would listen to me anyways. Might as well talk with you two." Karyn and Jennifer sat on ground, looking at Sarah. "So, want to tell us what happened?" Jennifer asked first.

Sarah sighed "Today during breakfast father announced that I won't be taking over the company once I finish college. Actually, he told me that I will be marrying son of the owner of rival company and that the two companies will merge and he will be the one leading them." she balled her fists angrily "I won't even be going to college! My father said that I won't be needing higher education to be a wife of good businessman. Can you believe it? My own father, selling me to become some sort of trophy wife to rich guy who is older than me by almost a decade!" she was red from anger now "How could he? What about my dreams? What about what I want? He never asked my opinion in any of this! He stated it all like it was a foregone fucking fact! And my mother just nodded happily, offering me to pick my wedding dress! Fuck it, I hate them so much!" she exploded in anger, taking deep breaths and trying to calm down.

Jennifer and Karyn looked at each other "That is..." Jennifer started "Fucked up." Karyn finished and both looked at Karyn. "So, what did you do then?" Sarah sighed after managing to calm down "Pretended to go to school and came here to cry my eyes out. Was thinking about running away, but there is no place my father couldn't reach. I don't know what to do, honestly. What could I do? Tell him no? No-one ever tells my father no. He will force me to marry even against my will. Unless you two have any ideas, I'm running empty." she said, hugging her knees together on the bench, looking sad, depressed, vulnerable.

Karyn looked at Jennifer "That was pretty heavy. Seems you aren't the only one in town with dad problems." Jennifer nodded "Yeah. Also there isn't much we can do about this either..." Karyn sent her mental nod "Not without the stone, anyways. Even with stone, what we could wish for to fix this? If we wish to fix her family, everything will change so much..." Jennifer agreed "Yeah. She is 18 and can technically decide for herself, though. Wait... She is 18. By law she is adult anyways. She could just leave her family." Karyn blinked "You are right. She could. Though the problem here is that her father is very influential. Who could protect her from trouble?" Jennifer frowned and then got an idea "What about Ember? She is coming here tomorrow anyways. We could take in Sarah for the night and then tell whole thing to Ember. Ember did say she was going to be rich and successful. I bet she will have more pull than McMillans." Karyn smirked "That could work."

They both looked at sarah then, who seemed to have zoned out everything, her eyes empty. "Sarah?" Jennifer said gently. Sarah blinked rapidly and looked at them "Oh. Sorry, I just... had a lot to think about, seemed I zoned out." Jennifer smiled "It is okay. Think me and Karyn have idea how to help you." Sarah blinked "Really? You want to help me? After everything I did?" Karyn shrugged "Sure, why not? You need help and we can provide it. Though you will have to stop being bitch to us." Jennifer chuckled "What my wonderful girlfriend said. If you want we could even try to become friends?" Sarah blinked again, as she couldn't believe what she was hearing "Really?" She looked at Karyn's and Jennifer's eyes and they smiled "Really." they said in unison. Sarah still could hardly believe it "Well, I don't know what to say... Thank you. I will... try not to disappoint you."

Jennifer smiled "That is all we can ask for. So, here is the plan: you could leave your family and come to Karyn's house to crash for the night. Then, tomorrow we will go visit my aunt Ember Webster. She would help to protect you from your father, once she hears about your situation." Sarah blinked, her eyes widening a bit "Wait, wait, wait... Ember Webster? THE Ember Webster is your aunt? Owner of 'Alchemax', probably the largest company in whole world is your aunt?" Jennifer blinked and looked at Karyn "Guess Ember pulled all the stops with that tapping the stone's power stuff. Seems she effected whole world. Guess she could bypass stone's limitations." Karyn giggled "That is scary. Glad she is on our side." Jennifer looked back at Sarah "Well... yeah. I never said anything because she is such an important person and Webster is my mom's maiden name. Aunt never got married." Sarah looked at Jennifer in disbelief "Woah... okay, didn't see that coming... Yes, that should work... if your aunt is willing to help us, father won't be able to do anything. But... How are we going to meet her?" Jennifer smiled "Oh, she is coming to town. Should be here tomorrow." Sarah blinked "That is amazing..." she sat there in numb disbelief.

Karyn and Jennifer smiled "Well, want to go the mall now? We could use your fashion sense. Well, Karyn could. She is a complete tomboy." Karyn hit Jennifer gently on back of her head, earning a yelp "Like you are any better, miss. I can't remember ever seeing you wearing a skirt." Jennifer pouted "So mean..."

Sarah looked at two girlfriends starting to argue playfully and cracked a smile "Maybe this won't be such a bad day after all.."

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