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3. Leaped for the stone.

2. What was Karyn thinking? What

1. You Are What You Wish

Leaped for the stone.

on 2015-05-08 13:27:27

2223 hits, 91 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Aware MTF Musc Omni Part Theft

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Jon leaped for the stone but was too slow. Karyn quickly wished "I wish for Jon to temporarily be restrained." Jon stopped mid air. His body straightened,and his arms were held firmly to he sides by an unseen force. He was literately standing in the air unable to move.

"Now to make things as they should be." Jon tried to reply but Karyn quickly interrupted and yelled "shut up, you have caused enough trouble!". "I wish that Jon was unable to verbally object to what I am about to do!" With that, Jon could say no more, his fate was set.

Karyn reached up and cupped her newly expanded breasts, they were at least a D cup. "I am not going to miss these huge things, I will bet that you would enjoy them." she said with a smirk.

"I wish that Jon was wearing full female attire" Jon gasped. He felt makeup on his face, he felt the weight of dangling ear rings from his now pierced ears. He felt a tightness around his chest which could only be that of a bra and a cool draft on his legs from the skirt that he was now wearing. He looked down at his dangling feet and could see that he was wearing boots with at least a 4 inch heel.

"Well aren't you cute" said Karyn with a triumphant smile. Jon tried to answer but was unable to do so because of the spell. Karen proceeded with her plan. "I wish that I looked like the female version of Jon." Her face changed to be very similar to Jon's, she shrunk about 3 inches to a 5 foot 4 and her hips expanded a bit. She was quite hot.

"Just to think one chromosome and you could of looked like this. Without the huge tits and blond hair though!" She giggled. "Get a good look, this is how you will look very soon!"

"I wish that Jon looked like me from last week". Jon morphed into a perfect copy of Karen, only with out the changes to her hair and breasts.

"See where I am going with this Johny? Or should I say Jenny?" she said with a smirk. "I wish that after this list that I will have the stone in my possession and that I will be totally unrestrained and in my bedroom." Karyn said in a practiced tone. "I wish that Jon and I would trade bodies"

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