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3. The Wish Begins to Play Out

2. Jon's Punishment: Lost Bet

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Punishment: The Wish Begins to Play Out

avatar on 2015-06-01 16:29:52

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That was how Jon would describe it.

And he couldn't stop himself.

As Jon made his way through the hallway at school, he found himself prancing, swaying, sashaying, moving in ways he had never imagined he could. He wanted to run home, to change his clothes, to hide in his room and never come out again. What he wanted and what he did, however, were two different things.

"Hey Jonnie," a blonde girl Jon had never met before called out, "Lookin' good in that skirt! You coming out to the cheer tryouts this afternoon?"

"Totally!" Jon responded excitedly, "I can't wait to show you what I've got!"

The whole day had been like that. It seemed that Jon and Karyn were the only ones who knew that anything strange was happening. It was the wish being acted out perfectly. When he'd made it the day before, Jon figured that there was no way he could have lost. How was he to know that Karyn was so good at Halo? She'd never told him that she'd played before.

In the back of his mind, he still remembered his motivation behind the bet. Having Karyn as the total package, the perfect girlfriend, he figured he'd be able to convince her by the end of the year that they were perfect together, that the new life he'd chosen for her was as good a life as she could ever get.

Now he was doomed to live out his fantasy, but on the wrong end of the wish. He remembered seeing Karyn in the hallway between classes earlier, the way he'd rushed over to her, clung to her arm, gushed about how good she looked and how he wanted to show her a good time at lunch. And he knew he would show her that good time, too, and more. It was unavoidable. It was all in the perfectly worded wish that he'd made.

And Jon knew that it was only going to get worse.

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