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3. ...I'm pregnant

2. Jon's Secret

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's got a bun in the oven (yet again)

on 2015-06-01 11:12:35

1071 hits, 57 views, 0 upvotes.

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...I'm pregnant, with Sarah McMillan's child.

I hadn't told the whole truth to Karyn. She wasn't the first one I'd told about the stone and my wishes hadn't all been harmless like with the branch. I'd gotten the stone a month ago, just after Spring Break had started. Karyn had already left for vacation so I hadn't been able to tell her about it, but if had been able to tell my other best friend, Sarah. Like me and Karyn, Sarah was a 'nobody' in school - not one of the popular crowd, but not one of the outcasts like that poor emo boy Damien who most people bullied.

In the first week of Spring Break, our families had had a little get together and the two of us had been allowed to drink some wine. A bit too much wine actually. We'd been tipsy and smuggled a bottle up to my room while our families continued to mingle. We'd drunk some more and had started making wishes. We'd wished for Sarah to have bigger breasts, a prettier nose and made her cock large and highly virile. And being drunk, we'd started to fool around. One thing led to another and...we'd done it.

Over the next few weeks Sarah had changed, the changes of the wishes having made her popular and she and everyone else had forgotten about our friendship. In fear I'd wished away her memories of the stone, at least until I could figure out what to do. Recently, I'd been feeling a bit queasy and had missed my period. A few days ago I'd taken a pregnancy test and it came up positive. A wish had confirmed it.

I'd wanted to tell Karyn earlier, but things got away from me and I hadn't had chance. But I had to tell her, she was my best friend and this was too much for me to cope with...

With a sigh I picked up my phone and dialled.

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