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3. New Toys: An Impossible Doll

2. New Toys - not just for kids

1. You Are What You Wish

An Impossible Doll

on 2015-06-15 05:29:17

1420 hits, 87 views, 1 upvotes.

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The trouble with Karyn's dream toy was that she wanted so much out of it. First of all, she wanted the toy to be able to react. Not necessarily move around and do things on its own, but to kiss, to cuddle, to moan, and do all the other things that made sex fun. She also wanted the doll to look real, but in a slightly fake way. She liked the the idea of the just off skin covered by thick seams, the too-perfect hair, and exaggerated proportions. But the doll needed to be real in the places that mattered. It needed to be able to look alive. And that came to the final masterpiece of Karyn's fantasy sex doll. She wanted, somehow, someway, for a human to be able to experience what the doll felt. Even in her dreams, she never could work out exactly what she wanted more: to have sex with this impossible doll, or to be the impossible doll.

Trouble was, she had no idea how to wish for such a thing. Her best idea was to make a broad wish, a wish that wouldn't make anything permanent, and hope for the best.

"I wish the sex doll of my dreams was in this room." She said. She hoped the stone could suss out what she really wanted. Karyn closed her eyes. The stone glowed . . .

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