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3. Steve makes his move

2. Jon is followed

1. You Are What You Wish

Steve and Freddy catch up with Jon

on 2015-06-27 22:38:56

1866 hits, 98 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Aware Herm Inanimate MC Magic NBM Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware

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Jon left the deserted yard and headed home.

Wow Karyn looked amazing I thought as I slowly wondered home fiddling with the stone in my hands. I had fancied Karyn for years, she was the only one I really trusted with my secrets. But as horney as mentally undressing her had made me, I reminded myself that she was my best friend. I hoped that she felt the same way about me and considered wishing to know how she felt but the thought was terrifying. What if she didn't feel the same way, what would that do to our friendship, would I trust myself not to use the stone to force her to love me.

At that moment I was brought crashing back to reality. Steve stepped out from behind a bush and had knocked me to the ground the stone rolling from my hands towards the feet of Freddy one of the easily led footballers who seemed ok away from the Jocks and Sarah.

"grab him" Steve hissed at Freddy, Freddy grabbed my arms and pinned them to my back and pulled me towards the front door of the house. In horror I realised it was Steves "Guys stop... Whatever it is we can work it out... Is it about this history report due next week or what?" The door opened and I was manhandled inside.

"No it's about this" Steve said waving the stone in front of my face, "Hat does it do" Steve said his face inches away from mine as he pulled at my hair. His eyes were bulging and I didn't know what to do, if. I said anything that would be the end.

I struggled against Freddy, but he just pulled my arms further back and I yelped. "That's my stone, it was a gift from my grandad, nothing more. Let me go and tell me what you want, money? I know. You want help with you and Sarah's homework don't you?" I said trying to keep it cool. Steve was tough but stupid and Freddy wasn't much better, if I could appeal to their sexual desires.

"look Steve, Freddy, I know you struggle in class and I can help you, make you look good in front of Sarah, I'm sure she would put out if YOU help that ditzy bimbo with her homework for the whole term, heck I'd help you both too if you like" I said trying to sound cool, but I worried I'd been to vague, "and by You I mean, I'd do it and you can pass it on" I winked.

Angry Steve grabbed my cheeks tight in his hand and held my head next to his and spoke directly into my ear. "I know what you meant Merlin, I want you to tell me about the wishes, clear" he let go and patted me on the sore cheek a few times.

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