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3. The ol swictheroo

2. Better clothing for your anato

1. You Are What You Wish

The ol swictheroo

on 2017-05-15 16:21:22

1995 hits, 77 views, 0 upvotes.

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He ran down the stairs, loving the feel of the breeze under his skirt as he ran, and stifled a laugh as he saw his family in the kitchen. They were wearing...

...the clothes that had been previous associated with the opposite gender. While Jon knew that everything had changed, no one in his family seemed to realise what had happened. Jon's dad sat there in a dress and his brother was wearing a cute little denim miniskirt. His mom had a on a pair of khaki pants and his sister Zoe was wearing a pair of boy's denim jeans.

"That's a very pretty skirt you're wearing Jon" his dad said as he looked up from his newspaper.

"Thanks dad" he replied.

His mom then chimed in, "I bet my two boys have to fight of the girls when they see their pretty shaved legs showcased by a cute mini-skirt"

Zoe was digging through her backpack. She tossed a pair of Speedo swim trunks on the floor. "MOM! What did you do with my jockstrap?", Zoe yelled, "I have swimming today!"

"Its probably in the laundry basket with your Y-Fronts" her mom answered.

"All I saw was Jon's panties." Zoe replied, "Oh wait -- here it is. Never mind"

"We're heading out to the mall, so we'll get you a another one, plus if you are going to go out for hockey, we'll need to get you a cup, too." Zoe's mom observed as she handed her a brochure. "Your coach recommended this brand."

Zoe laughed. "Ha! Nut-cup! What a cool name!"

Jon glanced over the brochure and saw images of girls wearing jockstraps, the pouches of the jocks empty and not showing any sign of a bulge from a penis as they did before the change.

Jon sat on the couch and thumbed through the circulars from the Sunday paper. The ads showed the extent of his change. On page 5 he saw a page of panties for boys. Page 7 had an ad for a huge Jockey Y-Fronts sale for girls.

At this point Mickey came over to his brother.

"Ah, Jon, can I talk to you" he asked. "In private"

"Sure, lets go to my room."

Once there Mickey closed the door.

"Somethings happening to me" Micky said with a tremble in his voice."

"Like what" Jon asked.

"Well, when I heard Zoe talking about her jockstrap and I saw that Nut-Cup brochure it got hard in panties. And last night, I woke up and my panties were all filled with some wet sticky white stuff" Mickey explained.

Jon laughed. "I guess you are having your time. You know, your period."

Jon wasn't exactly sure why he was even saying this, but it just seemed right.

"You need some of these." Jon handed Mickey a panti-liner. "You put one in your panties and that way you won't make a mess. Here I'll show you."

Jon pulled up his skirt and lowered his panties. He removed the strip from the panti-liner and placed the adhesive side in his panties.

Handing a panti-liner to his brother he explained. "You just snuggle your penis against it it. Now you try one."

Mickey did as he was told and then pulled his panties up. "It feels a bit funny."

"I know, but you'll get used to it. We'll asked dad to help you buy soem whe we go to the mall"

Just then he heard his mom yell "C'mon boys, we're heading off to the mall. Socks and underwear trip!"

Jon could only imagine what the day would be like

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