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3. Reverse Butterfly Effect

2. Jon's wish for riches backfire

1. You Are What You Wish

No more Sarah

on 2016-02-20 14:37:06

1732 hits, 92 views, 0 upvotes.

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Mr McMillan stood in the doorway "oh good, you're ready, shall we go?" He stretched out an arm. Jon took it timidly and popping the stone in his handbag and putting it over his shoulder he walked carefully in the women's heels to Mr McMillans car, the house was immaculate and no sign of Sarah or her siblings. "what about the kids?" Jon asked as he was helped into the passengers side of the car. "What kids, you know we can't have kids, did you want to adopt?" Mr McMillan asked obviously worried."no no, it's ok" Jon replied quick as Mr McMillan joined her in the car.

John wondered where they were going and watched his bag, Mr McMillan pulled up on the side of the road, "Happy anniversary, is is where we met remember, and where I proposed?" He declared arms outstretched. Jon hugged him and they shared a short but passionate kiss. Inside there was a que as the matradee took people to their tables. "I just need to go and powder my nose" Jon said, "ok but don't be long, we will be seated soon" his husband replied.

Quickly Jon hurried to the toilets but stopped unsure which toilet to use.

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