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3. Most Common Superpower

2. TVtropes

1. You Are What You Wish

Most Common Superpower

on 2016-06-01 21:34:11

1687 hits, 112 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon couldn't believe his luck. 'Of all the-' Jon thought to himself, bracing for the inevitable. But it never came. Jon opened his eyes. The screen still said "Most Common Superpower." Jon knew he would somehow become a superhero with reality-defying breasts, but what was taking so long? Then Jon realized something. The weight of the stone in his hand was gone. 'What am I holding?' Jon looked down and saw a domino mask where his rock used to be.

Jon carefully placed the mask on his desk and went searching for the box containing the stone and, more importantly, his grandfather's note. When he found it, he read the note.

Dear Jon,

If you are reading this, it means I have passed on. Do not mourn my leaving; although we shall no longer be able to spend time together, be happy knowing that where I am now is just a new start and a different perspective than before and that I shall just look at it as my next great adventure.

The mask you find in this box is my legacy to you. Treat it with care, it does not look much, but has immense power. I have entrusted it to you, as my favourite grandson and friend, to be its keeper and guardian now that I am gone.

I found this mask in an old trunk in my attic, pardon the cliche. How it works, or where it came from, I have no idea. All I can tell you is what it does and trust you to use it wisely.

Bear with me on this next bit; I know it sounds fantastic, but trust me when I tell you that I am telling the truth. All I say is real and it will not take much experimentation for you to prove it.

When wearing the mask, you will be given great power. You will have the strength of ten men. The speed of a bullet train. You will be able to fly with the eagles, and you will be nearly impervious to harm. However, you will also have a weakness in the form of the element of mercury. There is also a catch. I assume you know of the metahuman Arcadia? That is me, when I wear this mask. I don't know why you need to be a woman to use these powers, but you'll find that with the power it offers, you won't mind.

I must go now. Use the gift I have given you for good, to battle those who would do harm, and to stand for the ideals of integrity, courage, and compassion that this mask embodies, and think of me often.

Your friend, always,


Jon lowered the note, and couldn't believe what he had just read. Reality had been so altered that the stone was gone, and in its place was the key to superpowers. 'I just have to be an endowed girl,' Jon thought, before looking at the mask. Jon held it carefully in his grip. He went into the bathroom and took one look at himself, before placing the mask on his face.

He felt like he needed to scream. His body twisted and turned in directions he hadn't even known existed, but with the pain also came power. He could feel himself sprouting upwards, and his muscles building up. His slightly flabby stomach pulled itself inward, while his hips pushed outward. Jon opened his eyes to jet black hair cascading down just in front of his eyes, and then he felt a pressure on his chest he had never imagined. And it never seemed to go away. His baggy clothes began to change as well. He could no longer feel the cotton in his shirt. His jeans were no longer rough. In their place, he felt spandex, tightly wrapping itself around his body. Well, almost. He felt nothing on his arms, and felt that the front of his chest was almost completely exposed. And then, all the pain was gone.

Jon parted the hair from his eyes and looked in the mirror. His long, jet black hair flowed down to his shoulders. Jon was also surprised to see that his normally green eyes had turned an icy blue, and that his lips were as red as an apple. Jon looked at his arms, and saw how toned his uncovered arms were. Gulping, Jon looked at what he feared, his chest. They seemed to be DD's, maybe even bigger, and he realized he-- or rather, she, wasn't wearing a bra. For some reason, her breasts seemed to support themselves.

She looked at the mirror and saw her costume. It was a sleek, black and blue spandex and skintight suit. The top looked like a tank top, riding up her body, but not covering her arms. She also noticed that the costume had left ample cleavage. 'Because of course it did.' Jon thought, as she continued to study herself. She had an almost perfect hourglass figure, and the lower part of her tights went down to her knees. That was when she noticed the boots. They rode all the way up to her knees, melding seamlessly with the tights, and had a four-inch heel. She also noticed that both boots had winged tips on the sides. Jon looked just below her cleavage line, and saw her superhero emblem. It resembled Hermes' winged shoes, only colored blue and surrounded by a circle. Jon checked for her penis, but was greeted by nothing, as she had expected.

"Whoa." Was all she could say as she stared at this new form. 'So now what?' Jon... Arcadia, thought to herself. 'I can take this off and figure out what to do next, or I can take this body for a test drive.'

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