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3. Transformation War - Chapter 1

2. Transformation War

1. You Are What You Wish

Transformation War - Chapter 1

on 2017-02-09 20:03:57

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Joh wasn''t avare of any changes what happened to him or to someelse whole two weeks. Until one morning when he wake up and realized that he is different. Somehow his body was more muscular. He also remember he is somehow in school football team. He began looking for stone but he soon realized he don''t have it. So that is it. Someone changed him with the stone. But how? He had stone almost year and except Karin''s wish, he didn''t use it at all. How could someone know about stone? And why he is remember both original and changed reality.He find some note left for him.

"Hello. I am sure you can tell someone changed you and your reality. I managed reverse your mind transformation and but I left knowlege how you should behave. Please come to park today at 7:00 p.m." the sender of the list didn''t write his name.

Reverse transformation.Reverse transformation. Reverse unreverseable transformation. Is this real. Is there really someone who can reverse transformation based on stone? What thats mean to him. Is there someone who can change him back and is he really going to do it. His transformation and ... god, others transformation. He realized that he wasn''t only one who was changed.

Karin was changed. So was Zoe and many others people. Transformations were different but Zoe wasn''t goth anymore and, she and Karin becomes much more girly and cheerleaders.

Zoe light brown hair changes style, also her hair were longer(to mid back) and she began smile lot more. Her breast expanded from B-cups to D-cups, her but was also larger and skin was less pale. Her hips were also larger and her waist thiner.. Her behavior changes too. With these changes she becomes hot for any guy in schoole and she was now dating with Jay, who become Jock.

Karin body changes were less significant since she had already Sarah chest and hair. Other body changes were similiar to Zoe''s. But mind changes were more significant. Her behavior were even girlier then Zoe''s, also her sex drive were stronger. Jon remembered all sex with her during last two weeks and he blushed. Damn it, those two weeks were wild.

The changes was not really that bad, but still someone messed with their life. Jon decide he must figured who is behind this and stop him, before happens something worse.

The note sad 7:00 p.m. so he must whole day pretending he is still afected by wish.

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