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3. The Computer!

2. Loading the Genetic Dice

1. You Are What You Wish

The Computer!

avatar on 2017-04-06 19:52:34

7641 hits, 369 views, 5 upvotes.

Anthro Aware Inanimate MTF Super Unaware

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John's eyes fell to the stone nervously. He didn't want to use the stone for his idea. If he phrased it the wrong way he could end up stuck. Maybe if he wished that something else had the power to do what he wanted, the changes wouldn't be permanent? He nodded. That sounded right. But how should he go about it?
Naturally, his eyes fell to his computer. It was his pride and joy in many ways. He wasn't a geek exactly, but with the help of a few friends he had built this computer himself... At the very least he ordered the parts from a recommended build they had found online and assembled it. His mom had been extremely reluctant at first. Being a single mother, she felt that she'd already spent too much money on the computer in the living room, but to pay another $800 computer just for gaming and socializing? It had taken quite a bit of convincing to manage that one, but after contributing his own money from Summer jobs, she had agreed to meet him 50-50.

"I still think you should buy a laptop." She'd insist. "You're not going to be able to take that thing to class with you when you go to college!"

Still, he had been adamant, and now his computer could be the perfect catalyst of his wish!

He considered what the professor had said on the Science Channel and his curiosity became a bit more academic. Maybe instead of just altering his genetics, he should put that theory to the test!

Boldly he began to declare "I wi---" before immediately closing his mouth. "Almost forgot about Karen " he muttered.

"I wish that no matter what wishes are made, or what I end up changing supernaturally with my computer, Karen and I will always be remember things as they are now."

He nodded. That sounded good. Now for the computer.

"I wish my computer had a folder filled with the pictures of what I would look like if a different one of my dads sperm cells had conceived me."

He bunched up his nose as he made the wish. It sounded a little weird when he put it like that. It was so clinical. Though, the awkwardness did not last through the storm of his curiosity. His eyes fell on the new folder on his desktop and he smiled.

"Now!" He grasped the stone tightly again. "I wish that if I double click on a picture from that folder, reality will change so that I was the me from that picture."

Burning with curiosity, he opened the folder. Immediately he was met with a collage of his own faces, each slightly different from the last, some imperceptive so... "Geez How many are there?" He uttered as he began to scroll through the folder. Even after spinning the mouse wheel for a good minute, the little scroll bar had hardly moved. Looking at the folder info answered his question.

Contains: 321,445,753 files.
Size: 1.2 Tb
That's more disk space than his computer has That's magic.

His attention turned back to the files as he eagerly looked over them, wondering which he should try first.

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