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3. world of change

2. checking the limits

1. You Are What You Wish

World of Change

on 2017-05-16 03:42:10

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It took me a couple of hours to finally get it right. Fortunately I had started early in the evening so I finished around the time I would normally go to bed anyway. It took several sheets of paper to hammer out all of the details because I would think of a new idea and scribble it down only to rethink it later. But after burning through the better part of a notebook I finally parceled it down to a concise list of changes which fit on a single sheet of paper.

The final list wasn't what I expected it would be. I realized as I was rereading it that a lot of my...fantasies, for the world had crept in, which I blamed on me censoring myself less as it got later. I considered modifying it one last time, but when I thought about I decided that as long as everything worked, there was no harm in being slightly turned on by parts of the new reality. The main aspect was with gender. Many of the greatest conflicts in world were caused either by men fighting other men, or by men oppressing women. Changing the global population to all female (with a little modification to still allow sexual reproduction) would fix that problem; I just happened to also be turned on by the idea of a planet full of attractive women.

While I was somewhat anxious and a little aroused to see how the world would be improved, I was also tired. So instead I made a wish to change the world while I sleep.

"I wish that tonight reality will change to match what I have written on the paper in my hand." As usual I was forced to look away and as expected when the feeling left everything was still the same. Eager to see what would happen in the morning, I turned off the lights and went to bed.

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