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3. The Panties Wish: Sexy time

2. The Panties Wish

1. You Are What You Wish

The Panties Wish: Sexy time

avatar on 2017-06-19 16:33:42

3087 hits, 153 views, 3 upvotes.

Age Animal MTF Magic NBM Omni Super

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"Oh crap..." thought Jon.

Then everything went black. As everything came back into focus, Jon felt he was pressed up against something, and he was... naked?

Opening his eyes, he saw where he was. He was laying on top of Sarah!

"Oh my god" thought Jon. A jolt of pleasure shot over his body, looking down he realised why. He was having sex with Sarah!

He lifted himself off her with a pronounced shlorp. He picked up the pile of clothes from the bottom of the bed and ran into the en suite, locking the door.

Trying to catch his breath, he examined the situation. Then an odd feeling came over him, he wondered how he'd ran to the bathroom so easily with a boner.

Looking down he suppressed a scream. He didn't have a boner, because he didn't have a penis.
Catching eye of the pile of his clothes, he noticed something. His boxers weren't there, instead were a pair of black, silken panties.

Opening the bathroom door, and peeking out, Jon looked over toward Sarah. She was laying unconscious on her bed, a large penis standing erect in her crotch.

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