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3. At the Girl Scout meeting

2. Mikey joins the (girl) scouts

1. You Are What You Wish

Mikey the Girl Scout - Fitting in

on 2017-06-22 19:18:49

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Though Jon thought it was funny that Mikey was now in the Girl Scouts instead of the Boy Scouts, he didn't want to cause Mikey too much anguish, so he decided to try to mitigate the effects of his previous wish a little. Taking the stone in his hand he quietly said "I wish that the other Girl Scout will find a way to help Mikey fit in with them."

Mikey didn't say anything at all during the car ride even when Krista's mother tried to engage him in conversation; so the few minutes drive passed in uncomfortable silence.

Finally they arrived and Mikey reluctantly got out of the car and entered the house. Inside there were 5 girls about Mikey's age all dressed in the same uniform that he was wearing: Krista, Heather, Molly, Diane, and Vicky. Krista's mother, Jennifer Diver, was the group leader.

"Alright girls," Mrs. Diver said, "let's all gather around and say hello to Mikey, the newest member of our troop."

All of the girls looked at Mikey with strange expressions on their faces.

"But Mrs. Diver," said Heather, "he is a boy. He can't be a Girl Scout."

"Now Heather, be nice. It's not Mikey's fault that he is a boy. We should try to make him welcome."

The girls exchanged looks with each other and there was some whispering back and forth which was making Mikey fairly uncomfortable. Finally Krista stepped forward and extended her hand in a friendly gesture and said "Welcome to the troop Mikey."

Not knowing what else to do, Mikey shook her hand and smiled at her awkwardly.

"Good." said Mrs. Diver. "You all introduce yourselves while I go get everything else setup for the meeting." With that she left the room.

As soon as her mom had left the room, Krista dashed off to her room returning a second later with something clutched in her hand. She extended it to Mikey who took it on reflex. It was a necklace with a little round pendant hanging from it.

"What is this?" Mikey asked.

"Just put it on. It will help you fit in better." Krista said.

Seeing no reason not to, Mikey did as he was told and put the necklace on. He felt a shiver go through his body, but it passed quickly.

Mikey looked up quickly as he heard shocked gasps coming from several of the girls. He looked around to see what had surprised them, but could see anything out of the ordinary.

Then one of the girls, Molly, pointed at him and asked "What happened to him?"

This question confused Mikey since he was pretty sure nothing had happened.

"Well you see," said Krista, "that necklace is magic. As long as he is wearing it, he'll be a girl."

Mikey was sure at this point that Krista was crazy, but just in case she wasn't he looked down at himself. He didn't see anything immediately that would indicate that he was any different than he'd always been: he hadn't grown breasts (though he was only nine so that would have been unlikely), he hadn't suddenly grow long hair, the clothes he was wearing still fit him the same. It was only when he had actually touched his crotch and felt something missing that he discovered that what Krista had said was true: he really had become a girl.

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