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7. Jon is unsure.

6. Karyn Adds a cycle for men

5. The Genital Cycle

4. Jon's bizarre fantasy

3. After school the next day

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon considers Karen's request to test out their swapped genitals.

on 2018-02-03 03:36:38
Episode last modified by bigbustgazer on 2018-04-07 00:18:20

3085 hits, 170 views, 2 upvotes.

Age Body Swap FTP MTF Magic Myth NBM Omni Part Theft Size TF Unaware

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Karen looked at Jon nervously waiting for him to answer. She had always been attracted to him but had been to scared to act on it, maybe it was the extra bit of testosterone from being in the male part of her cycle that gave her the courage to bring it up, or maybe it was because Jon had already brought sexual things up with his wish. Either way she was still somewhat distracted by her new interest in Jon's new chest, it made her think a little differently about her own. Jon's breasts would be only be just noticably above average if he were a girl, but for a man they were huge. Hers on the otherhand were large for a woman, and they were somewhat uncomfortable sometimes, but unlike Jon she had clothes that at least vaugely fit them properly, and she could tell Jon liked her new assets from the moment they ballooned out to their present size.

She was having a hard time looking him in the eye and not just because she was nervous, the novelty of being into his boobs made them all the more distracting, and it didn't help that his shirt was the right size for him everywhere except his bust, making it tight around his boobs showing their swell very clearly.

Jon was wearing a polo shirt, but the cut was different after her wish changed men's fashion to include their modest breasts. The buttons went lower, and the collar dipped lower too, the effect on Jon being that since he had the top button undone the other two were straining due to the size of his breasts and the open top was showing a fair bit of cleavage.

Jon was surprised by how well Karen had taken his initial wish that gave her a genital cycle, and by how forward she was being now that she had given him one. He tugged at his shirt, the tightness around his new breasts being something he was unused to, he could feel one of the straps of his bra slip on his shoulder as he moved. He wasn't sure if he was up to having sex with female parts, and it seemed a bit sudden, but he was sure of one thing, wherever the conversation was going it was probably better to have it somewhere more private than a park.

The errection he'd had from anticipation and finally getting his fantasy when he made his own wish left him with feelings of arousal in his new equipment. Part of him did want to just take Karen back to his bedroom and let her have her way with him.

"I... I'm not sure" Jon said. "I don't think I'm on any sort of birth control... or even if such a thing still exists, besides, it's a bit sudden don't you think?"

Karen was a little dissappointed with his response, but not much, he'd clearly left the option open.

"Yeah I guess it is a bit sudden, but so was your wish, you're the one that made things sexual."

"Either way I'd rather not talk about it here in the middle of a park."

Karen blinked, she'd gotten caught up in the weirdness of the situation and forgotten where they were. "Alright, but we'll stop at the drug store on the way back to your place."

Jon was about to object to the stop, but Karen cut him off.

"Just because I buy protection doesn't mean we have to use it"

"OK, fine."

They started walking, and Karen realised she was still holding the stone. When they got to the drug store Jon decided he'd rather not go in with her. As soon as she was in the door she glanced around to make sure no one was too close and made a quick wish under her breath that Jon's family would be out for the rest of the day and they'd have his house to themselves.

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