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3. Jon's Identity Changing Device

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Identity Changing Device

on 2018-02-05 13:09:27
Episode last modified by Haloblablabla on 2018-02-05 13:09:47

4844 hits, 254 views, 1 upvotes.

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"I wish I had a device that would allow me to change someone's identity" Jon paused for a moment, before continuing his wish "with all the features I'm thinking of and then some."

Almost instantaneously a smart phone-like device appeared in Jon's other hand. He looked at it briefly before turning to Karyn, expecting some sort of comment.

"I don't know about this Jon, that wish seemed somewhat vague..." Karyn said, wanting to be a little more cautious with the stone.

"Relax Karyn, one of the benefits of having a separate device is that we can easily use the stone to undo any damage caused by the device." Jon proudly stated, happy that he figured out a way around the stones rules.

"Are you sure it works that way? Karyn commented, still unsure of Jon's wish.

John grinned. "Positive." He then raised up the devices display so Karyn could see. "Now this is how it works." He pointed to an option with a microphone icon on it. "Here's the main feature, we open this and select anyone within a radius of a few meters." He tapped the microphone and it opened a list containing both of them, in Jon's bedroom; Zoe and Mikey, in their respective rooms; and Jon's mom, in the kitchen below them. He selected Mikey from the list of names. "Let's test it shall we?"

Jon then moved across the room, motioning for Karyn to follow him. He opened the door and they walked down the hall towards Mikey's room.

They stopped in front of the door Jon brought up the device so Karyn could see it again. There was a confirmation display on the screen. "Are you sure about your selection?" Followed with an option for yes and no. Jon tapped "yes" and then opened the door.

When they entered, Mikey seemed to be kneeling on the floor playing with his toys, but upon closer inspection, he was just staring into space with his toys sprawled out in front of him.

"Did your device do this?" Karyn asked.

"Yes it did!" Jon proceeded to hold out the screen to show Karyn more of how it works. "You see, because I selected Mikey, he's now in a blank state and ready for the device to alter him." He pointed to the screen, which showed a column titled "Queued Changes" and three other buttons titled "Show 3D Model," "Control Awareness Levels," and " Save States."

Jon tapped the "Control Awareness Levels" button. It showed another list of names, the same ones from before. He tapped Jon's and Karyn's and then turned to Karyn again "So I just made it so that whatever changes are made to reality with this won't affect our memories."

"That's good." Karyn said, starting to feel a little more confident in this as Jon continued to explain his new toy.

"Now to the good part." Jon turned to face Mikey "All changes are implemented by voice command while the selected person is in the blank state, Watch." John paused for a moment wondering just what to exactly to change his pesky brother into.

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