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12. On the ice

11. Getting dressed up

10. A pink costume

9. Drew Agrees

8. Skaters?

7. Locker Rooms

6. Drew Tells Kate

5. The Next Morning

4. The Storm Hits

3. Going to Work

2. Drew the College Student

1. Altered Fates

On the ice

avatar on 2018-02-12 16:51:52
Episode last modified by TheScienceWizard on 2018-02-13 08:37:41

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Reaching the lockers, Kate had already put Richard's black skates on and was making her way towards the rink.
"Hurry up slowpoke!" teased Kate from the rinkside, "I'm not gonna skate around here by myself all morning!"

Opening Carrie's locker, Drew picked out the bright pink skates. Slipping them onto his dainty feet with ease, he clopped his way to the rink.

Meeting with Kate, he realised he was almost a foot shorter than her now. This thought somehow evading him earlier.
Moving out onto the ice, the pair set off like ducks to water, the medallion having given them the years of experience the figure skaters had.

"This is amazing!" chirped Kate.
"Glad you're enjoying it." grumbled Drew, feeling far more exposed on the ice due to his outfit.
"Oh come on cutie, try to enjoy the experience!" smiled Kate, whizzing towards Drew.

Approaching Drew, Kate placed her hands on his waist, prompting him to raise his arms as if by reflex.
Lunging forward, she lifted him up above her head, into a superman, or rather superwoman pose.

"Holy shit!" they both gasped in unison.
"This is actually amazing!" chuckled Drew.

Kate giggled and lowered Drew back on to the ice, then leading him to a lap of the rink.
"Bet you never thought you'd fly, eh cutie!" giggled Kate.


After an hour or so of various skating tricks, the two made their way back to the lockers.
Levering off the skates, they decided it best to take the costumes off too.

"So what should we do now?" asked Kate, removing her suit jacket.
"Well for starters..." said drew, pointing to his zipper.

Kate stood up while unbuttoning her dress shirt and discarding it atop the jacket. Stepping over to Drew she slid down the zipper, resisting the urge to touch Drew's butt.

Drew sighed, "Ahh, that's much better."
Flicking off the shoulder straps he peeled the costume away from himself. Allowing his breasts room to jiggle slightly. Then sliding the costume off, making sure not to bend over giving Kate a view of himself.

Kate had taken her socks and suit pants off and was hanging them back in the locker, then heading off to the lobby, in just her boxer-briefs.

Drew stared at her walking away, feeling a pleasant glow in his tummy. Hooking his thumbs into the waist of his tights, he scooped them off, hanging them back in the locker, along with the costume, then headed out toward the lobby to find Kate.

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