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3. Fred's magic show

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Fred's Magic Show

avatar on 2018-02-12 16:55:49

4372 hits, 248 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Anthro Aware Herm Inanimate Musc Part Swap

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The rock stopped glowing, indicating that the wish had been granted and Jon opened his eyes. He looked around the room and breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing seemed to have changed, at least nothing noticeable. He patted himself down. Still the same down there.

And so Jon went on with the rest of the evening keeping an eye for anything odd that might happen but nothing that seemed obvious. In fact the rest of the week went by without anything happening. He told Karyn about his wish and she had slapped him for being so stupid but she was relieved that nothing had happened.

By the time Friday came around, Jon had forgotten all about his stupid wish. He had taken the rock to school a couple of times and he and Karyn had gotten revenge on a few people but nothing serious.

It was only when Jon had come home after school that things seemed to be set in motion.

“Mom! I'm home!” He called out. As it turned out, his Mom was in the living room cleaning.

“Hi honey.” She said cheerily when Jon poked his head around the door. “How was your day?” She asked.

“Boring.” Jon replied honestly. “I'm glad that it's Friday.” He said. His Mom nodded.

“Oh by the way. I saw an advert on TV earlier for a magic show that’s in town today.” His Mom, Linda, told him. “How about we all go?” She asked. “It’ll be fun.” She added.
Jon groaned.

“A magic show? I'm too old for that stuff Mom.” He told her. Linda looked sad.

“On come on Jon. It's been ages since we've done anything as a family. “I’ve already asked your father and he's up for it.”

Jon sighed. “Ok, Mom. Let's do it.” Linda perked up.

“Thanks Jon.” She said smiling. “We’ll aim to leave about 7.” Jon nodded as he headed upstairs.

7 O’clock came around and the Gibson family were already to head out to the magic show. They stood in the living room waiting while Linda fused around getting ready. Jon and his dad, Roger, sat on the sofa wearing smart shirts and black trousers while Zoe stood in the corner grumbling, and wearing one of her less Gothic outfits. Mikey sat on the arm chair excitedly in a smart jumper and trousers. He looked like he was the only one who was excited about going.

“Isn't this exciting?” Linda asked as she came in to the living room clipping on a pair of earrings. She was wearing a dark green dress. “We haven't done anything like this in a while.”
“Yeah, Mom. This is going to be great.” Zoe said sarcastically.

“Now, now Zoe.” Roger said. “We promised your mother that we'd all go out and be on our best behaviour.” He told Zoe giving her a look. Zoe returned the look but retreated to sulking in the corner.

“So what’s so special about this magician honey?” Roger asked his wife once they were all seated in the car.

“Oh. He sounds wonderful.” Linda gushed. “His name is Fred and he claims to do all sorts of tricks.”

“That doesn’t sound like a magicians name, Fred.” Jon enquired but his Mom ignored him.

“The adverted suggested that he specialises in tricks with the mind.” Linda explained. “He can make you think that your someone else, or swapped bodies. Things like that.”
“That...Sounds interesting.” Roger replied, not sure what to make of this.

Meanwhile, Jon was subconsciously reminded of his wish that he had made earlier in the week but he dismissed it.

Eventually, they arrived at the show. Roger parked the car and then they showed their tickets to the doorman who let them in. Mikey wanted popcorn and so Linda went off with him to buy some while Roger muttered something about getting a beer. Zoe spotted her friend Athena at the show so she went over to say hello, leaving Jon on his own.

“Hey Jon-boy. I didn’t think that this was your sort of thing.”

Jon turned around saw Karyn smiling at him.

“Oh hey Karyn.” He said returning the smile. “I’m glad that your here.” He said. “Mom dragged us all along to this.” He told her. Karyn nodded.

“Same here.” She said indicating to her parents.

“Oh hi Karyn. “I didn’t see you earlier.” Jon's Mom said as she returned with Mikey. “Are your parents here as well?” She asked. Karyn nodded and pointed Linda to her parents. Linda headed off to speak with them.

“Hey Jon, isn't that Biff over there?” Karyn said pointing. Jon followed her gaze and saw that she was right.

“Yeah, and Sarah's here as well.” Jon said noting. He also saw other people from school like Jay Duncan and Nadine Ferguson.

“Looks like everyone from town has shown up.” He said. Karyn nodded. She was about to say something when Linda returned along with her parents.

“The show's about to start.” Linda said excitedly. She showed Jon their ticket. “It looks like we'll be sitting next to the Blacks.” She told him. Jon looked at Karyn.

“Well at least we're in this together.” Karyn nodded and followed Jon to their seats.

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