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29. Go to school

28. Next morning

27. Sleep

26. Later that night

25. Later...

24. Later at the Mall

23. Sarah McMillan

22. Back to Karyn and Jennifer

21. Meanwhile... back in Madison h

20. Next morning

19. Ember and Karyn meet

18. 1 hour later

17. Back at Karyn's house

16. At Karyn's house

15. Fun is interrupted

14. Karyn has an idea

13. Some time later

12. Metamorphosis

11. She is not angry

10. Day in school

Going to School

avatar on 2018-02-17 09:59:18
Episode last modified by Austea on 2018-02-17 14:36:05

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Jump to comments go to school. Not only to support their new friend Sarah, but also because Jennifer was curious how different school life was as girl as opposed to her old life before wish and Karyn just wanted to be there and support her girlfriend. While both of them had memories of school, in them both of them were more low-key - dressing in rather baggy clothing and doing their best to just be unnoticed. Now both the girls were dressed in much more flattering clothes and were both more confident to deal with high school drama and to not take any shit.

As such after quick mental conversation both girls looked at Sarah and Jennifer started to speak "Well, guess we should go to school. Karyn's mom is right - better to get this over with and just go than postponing it." Karyn nodded "I agree with Jen. Besides, can you image everyone's faces when the three of us walk in together? We should take camera." she smirks and Sarah chuckles "You are right. And thanks for support, really." Jennifer smiled "Hey, this is what friends are for." Karyn nodded in agreement. Sarah smiled softly and gave them both grateful hug "Thanks, girls. Anyways, guess we should eat and get ready." The three girls then started to eat delicious pancakes and then went to their rooms to get ready for school.

In Karyn's and Jennifer's room Jennifer was holding in her hands a jewelry box with wishing stone in it, looking in thought. "Hey, Karyn - think I should take the stone with us? Might be useful." Karyn frowned "Not sure. It is safe in a box, but after school we are probably going straight to Ember's new place so might as well take it. You should keep it in your bag all times though." Jennifer nodded and placed the box in her bag, throwing it over her shoulder "Well, I am ready. You?" Karyn nodded "Likewise. Let's go." Before they can leave room Jennifer becomes bit bold and gives quick kiss to Karyn's lips, winking "For luck~" she teased and hurried out of the room with Karyn on her heels "Get back here, you minx!"

The three friends were taking slow walk towards the school while chatting together. So far they had not met anyone else from their school, but it was only matter of time. They did their best to distract themselves from thoughts of all their peers in school while chatting, though. "So, any plans on what you will do after finishing high school? Decided which colleges and universities you will go to?" Sarah asked the couple. Jennifer shrugged "Honestly I haven't really thought it over that well yet. I have pretty good marks so I probably could get into almost any college but I have not really decided what I will major in. I was thinking maybe programming - I like computers really much, though not sure if I am smart enough for that. I could also see myself studying archaeology like my grandpa did. Honestly I am fine with anything, as long as I could go with Karyn. Don't think I could really survive without my girlfriend by my side." she gave Karyn a one-armed hug at the waist and kissed her cheek which earned her a giggle from her redheaded girlfriend. Karyn hummed in thought "Honestly I am much of same opinion as Jen. I haven't really decided, but I thought maybe studying graphic design. I can draw pretty well. But yeah would like to go anywhere as long as I have Jen by my side." she kissed Jennifer's cheek as well. Both girls really did not care about studies that much anymore, considering that with wishing stone in their hands they could do anything they wanted and still live happy lives. "What about you, Sarah?" Jennifer asked back. Sarah hummed "Well, like I said yesterday - I thought majoring in psychology. That or medicine. I would honestly like to help people. That is probably the reason I let those three harpies to leech of me for so long. I also would like to have nothing to do with my family and their money and build my own life with my own hands." she said with more confidence than she really felt and both Jennifer and Karyn gave her quick hugs.

"We will support you in whatever you want to do. I am sure aunt Ember will be more than happy to help you deal with your family." Jennifer said with smile and Sarah smiled back "Thanks, Jennifer. You too Karyn. I am really happy I met you two in the park yesterday." Both girls smiled "We are happy too." Karyn replied and then glanced in distance where they could faintly see their school "Well, we are almost there. Ready for this?" she asked her girlfriend and new friend. Both nodded and after shifting their group so Sarah would walk in middle framed by her new friends, the three girls walked towards the school.

Then the three girls got closer to school, all three of them stopped chatting, feeling bit apprehensive about their decision to go to school today. Mostly because of the gazes they were already starting to draw towards them and the whispers from various cliques that were slowly going to their first lessons. Jennifer and Karyn both placed their hands on Sarah's shoulders and gave gentle squeeze to show their support to which Sarah send the two a grateful gaze. With deep breath all three silently walked towards main entrance, doing their best to walk confidently and ignore the attention they were getting.

While walking to school both Jennifer and Karyn were having mental conversation with each other. "I have a feeling this is going to be a looong day. I am just glad we have same lessons. I could swear our schedules were different when I was Jon." Jennifer mentally said to Karyn. "They were. But I am not going to complain. Think we even have some lessons with Sarah too, which is good. Never seen her so nervous, though she is doing admirable job on composing herself. She could be good actress." Karyn replied and Jennifer sent a mental nod "True. Though I am having second thoughts about coming here. Can you see how all those guys are looking at us? I don't really like it. Actually I don't like how that jock is looking at you at all." she mentally said with kind of possessive tone in her mental voice, which made Karyn smirk a bit. "Jennifer Madison, are you jealous? You do know I am lesbian, right? You have no reason to be. Not that I am not flattered. And I don't like how they are looking at you either. But they do know that we are item, we never hid that in school. Guess just our new clothes are giving them bit of system shock." Karyn said back. "Maybe, but I would not mind re-confirming my claim..." she said and then stopped for a moment, taking Karyn's face in her hands and then giving her a passionate kiss.

As the two girlfriends kissed Sarah stopped for a bit, waiting for them to finish, a smile tugging on her lips. After hanging out with the two for a while now she was actually considering getting bit adventurous with another girl too. She was pretty sure she was straight, but maybe she would like to get kissed by girl too? She filed the thought away for later and after waiting for a bit rolled her eyes "Get a room, you two. We should really get going unless you want to be late for lessons." Both girls reluctantly separated with light blushes on their faces and happy smiles and rejoined their friend, walking inside.

Then the three girls disappeared inside school building, the other students still outside were bit shocked by bold action they witnessed. All was quiet for a bit until one guy said out loud to his friend "Dude, that was so hot...". His friend just nodded dumbly and the crowd started to walk inside as well.

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