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11. School

10. Going to School

9. New day - new life

8. "I accept your offer."

7. Contemplating Decision

6. Tea with Witch

5. Magic teacher: Witch

4. Becoming apprentice

3. Magic

2. Thinking things over

1. You Are What You Wish

Witch's apprentice: School

avatar on 2018-02-21 10:58:56

1635 hits, 78 views, 1 upvotes.

Animal Anthro Aware FTM FTP MTF Myth Part Swap Part Theft SciFi TF

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Lakepoint High School was the largest high school in town. It had plenty of qualified teachers, great cafeteria, a gym, a rather large library and had it's own sports field and pool. Each student had their own locker and there were lots of clubs that offered many various activities. The school had it's own small newspaper that was published once a month, a football team and, of course, cheerleader squad.

Jennifer and Karyn walked inside the school building, slowly moving through the corridor, navigating between small groups of people that were chatting about various things before the start of first lesson. Jennifer noticed that while they attracted some attention, it was not too much. Karyn smiled slightly and kissed her cheek "I will meet you in class." she winked, walking through the corridor towards her locker.

Jennifer just smiled and looked around a bit. No-one seemed to care that Karyn showed such public affection. "Guess the fact that we are girlfriends is common knowledge." she though to herself. She then tried to remember where her own locker was. She wondered if she had same one or if it was different. Unfortunately, it seemed her helpful flashbacks did not offer her any information and as such she made her way to the locker she remembered owning in the past life. After finding the locker she tried to enter the combination into a lock and it opened. Opening the locker itself she sighed in relief to confirm that yes - it seemed she had same locker in this life too. There was a picture of her and Karyn attached to other side of the locker and small calendar for whole year with some important dates circled around it. Inside also were her books and she collected a few she needed for next few classes, taking them into her arms.

After closing the locker she turned to move towards the class, but stopped herself as there was another girl before her. She was leaning on the locker and was looking at her with a smile. She was around 5'4" tall and had a rather petite figure. Her hair was dyed in rich purple color and was straight, ending around her shoulders. On her nose she wore rather stylish glasses, behind which you could see light blue eyes. She wore a bit of makeup, but not much - just eye shadow around her eyes and rich purple lip gloss. She wore black jeans and black T-shirt with encircled white reverse pentagram on front. She had dangling skull earrings on her ears. The way the girl carried herself was rather confident, and even though she was rather petite it did not seem wise to annoy her.

Jennifer ended her observations as the girl spoke. "Hey, Jennifer. So - did you think about it?" the girl asked her with a smirk. Jennifer took few moments to try to remember this girl, who seemed to obviously know her. Jennifer did not seem to have any memory of the girl currently and flashback did not seem to be coming so she improvised.

"Er, sorry - I did not really have time to think it over properly." she said, even though she did not really know what she was talking about.

The girl hummed "Well, let me know when you decide, okay? I promise you will like it. And Karyn said that if you are going to join, she is in too. So I am not going to leave you be until I get the answer." she grinned "Anyways, will see you around, Jennifer." She said and walked away.

Jennifer just looked confused about whole ordeal and made her way to a nearby class. She could see Karyn waiting for her next to door with a smirk. "Did Allison bother you about joining the club again?" she asked Jennifer.

Jennifer blinked "Allison? I don't really remember anyone named Allison from my old life... but then again - I am younger a bit in this one. I did not really know anyone from a grade below me as Jon." she thought briefly and nodded to Karyn. "Yeah. What do you think about it, honestly?" She asked Karyn, fishing for more information.

Karyn smiled "Well, as far as clubs go 'Occult Research Club' does sound pretty awesome. I found out that all members are girls, actually. And well - Allison is bit quirky, but she is okay. And she is good at her job as head of the club - I still have no idea what strings she pulled to get it approved." she shook her head and grinned. "And - it would pretty funny if you were to join it." She said with a smirk, winking at her.

Jennifer rolled her eyes with a bit of a smile "I will think about it. Would you join too, if I do?"

Karyn smirked "Of course. Can't leave my girlfriend alone with a bunch of other girls." she leaned forward and kissed Jennifer on the lips slightly "You are mine." She grinned.

Jennifer smirked "And you are mine," she confirmed. Moments later the bell sounded and they entered the class.

Classes were just like Jennifer remembered. Though as person who used to be a grade above, she was pretty familiar with the subjects covered. Currently she was in last class before lunch, which was good because she was getting a bit hungry. She was sitting next to Karyn, her head resting on her palm as she listened to a teacher drone off at the current lesson. She had nothing against history, really, but she swore that Mr. Carter could make even most interesting subject sound dull. She heard a rumour before class that he was soon retiring, though, so hopefully next year history lesson will be more interesting with new teacher.

For now, though, it seemed that she was not the only one who was slowly being lulled to boredom by droning voice. Jennifer noticed quite a few of her classmates doodling in their notebooks or quietly using their phones to text below desks or surf internet while pretending to pay attention. Jennifer took some time to think about her classmates.

The class was pretty even mix as far as boy-girl ratio was concerned, with girls only slightly coming out ahead. Jennifer also could tell any of her classmates names if she wracked her brain long enough, though it was not instantaneous knowledge. After a few lessons today, she already figured out a few people she and Karyn were friends with, though.

First was Tom Wright. He was a thin, yet tall guy, standing at around 5'10". He had short, messy brown hair and grey eyes. He wore sturdy looking glasses and usually liked to wear warm dark hoodies, jeans and sneakers. He was a huge nerd and was pretty handy with computers. He was really polite and kind - the girls actually befriended him when they were assigned a group school project together. At first Tom was pretty awkward around the two really pretty girls, but he quickly warmed up to them, especially then he found a few common interests - arcades and computer games. Sometimes they played some things online together too.

Next was Lucy Cooper. She was a beautiful girly-girl, standing at around 5'6". She had long light brown wavy hair that ended just below her shoulders and light blue eyes. She was really pretty and liked to wear girly clothing - skirts, nice looking tops and blouses and so on. She was always pretty cheerful, was easy to get along with and knew fashion pretty well. She had endless amount of tips for how to match clothes, take care of hair, nails, skin and so on and on. She was pretty cool about it too, not pushing her views on anyone, but happy to help if someone asked her advice. She moved into town a couple years back, into a house right next to Karyn's. Lucy and Karyn met when Karyn's parents brought her to meet new neighbours and Karyn later introduced Lucy to Jennifer when she joined their class.

Last was Claire Sanders. She was a sporty girl, around 5'7" tall. She had long blonde hair that ended just above her waist and dark blue eyes. She liked to dress in pretty sporty way - she liked to wear sports bra, dark tank top and bleached jeans with black sneakers. She was quite cute and really fit - she liked all kinds of sports. She was bit brash and was not afraid to say her opinion. Or defend it. Claire met Lucy first when she saw how an older jock cornered poor girl next to school, coming quite heavily on her. Lucy looked very uncomfortable so Claire was quick to come to girl's defence, actually hitting an upperclassman straight into jaw with a mean right hook. Jennifer and Karyn got to the place just in time to see that, after getting worried when Lucy did not meet them after school. That day a bond was formed between the four of them in mutual defence of themselves against the jock and couple of his friends. Thankfully nothing serious happened then teacher got involved. The girls got a warning while the jocks got suspended for a few days.

Jennifer, Karyn, Lucy and Claire were quite close, while Tom rarely joined the four girls, though he did not mind helping out with things they asked for and sometimes asked for help or advice as well. He seemed to have figured out early on that he had zero chance to be more than friends with any of the girls so he seemed content to join them for board games or exercising, organized by Claire. Or movies. He avoided trips to mall when all four girls were going to join too, learning his lesson after single time. Not even bribes to go to arcade later helped, much to amusement of the girls.

Jennifer snapped out of her thoughts of her friends in this reality, looking towards the clock. Was time always going so slow, or did Mr. Carter had special power to distort it with his voice? Thankfully lesson was about over and almost as if on queue the bell rang, ending everyone's torture. Everyone started to gather their books and notes, eager to leave as quickly as they could towards cafeteria for lunch break. Jennifer noticed that Tom slipped out already, joined by couple of his nerd friends. Lucy and Claire picked their stuff too, walking towards her and Karyn.

Lucy broke silence with a grin "Sooo, ready to have lunch, girls? I don't know about you, but I am starving." she said with chirpy voice.

Claire shook her head "I have no idea how you are able to eat so much and remain so thin. Do you have black hole for your stomach?"

Karyn giggled "That would explain it."

Lucy pouted a bit "Hey! I don't eat that much..." she mumbled "Besides, healthy body needs healthy food."

Claire nodded and looked at Jennifer and Karyn "You two going to join us? Or did you bring lunch with you this time?"

Jennifer shook her head "I did not bring lunch today. You Karyn?" she looked at her girlfriend.

Karyn shook her head "Me neither. Which means we are going to join you girls."

Claire grinned "Perfect. You two still haven't shared what you did during spring break. Not that I am going to pry, if you don't want to. Just curious."

Karyn grinned at Jennifer "Actually I have not heard what Jen was doing yet either, so I am hoping to hear a story too." she then smiled slyly "Unless, of course, you would rather tell me later in private~" she said suggestively.

Jennifer blushed a bit "We will see." she promised nothing "Anyways, let's go. Lucy seems to be imagining us as food already and I don't want her to try and bite us."

Three of the girls giggled and were quick to walk away, soon chased by Lucy and her indignant shout of "Am not!"

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