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19. Relaxation

18. Extremus Pactio

17. An Offer

16. Revealing the stone

15. Walk to the Mall

14. Aftermath

13. Interrupted

12. Lunch

11. School

10. Going to School

9. New day - new life

8. "I accept your offer."

7. Contemplating Decision

6. Tea with Witch

5. Magic teacher: Witch

4. Becoming apprentice

3. Magic

2. Thinking things over

1. You Are What You Wish

Witch's apprentice: Fun as Couple

avatar on 2018-02-25 09:46:40
Episode last modified by Austea on 2018-02-25 09:54:50

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After leaving Helia's shop Jennifer and Karyn were slowly walking through the mall, considering what to do for the rest of the day. It was around 4pm by now, so they still had a little time to relax and spend some time together. Both of them did not want to go home just yet and as such were now bouncing some ideas.

"We could grab some food at food court? I did not get to eat lunch at school and I did not grab anything to eat when I dropped by home either. I am actually quite hungry." Jennifer suggested.

Karyn nodded "I could use some food myself too. Some burgers and smoothies then, maybe?" She offered.

Jennifer giggled "Sounds nice. So food court and then we go somewhere else to relax a bit?"

Karyn nodded "Sounds like a plan. Maybe go to arcade after eating?"

Jennifer smiled "I love the way you think."

Karyn giggled "Thanks, Jen. Anyways - to the food court." She grabbed Jennifer's hand and both of them made their way to food court with happy smiles on their faces.

Few minutes later the two girls bought a couple burgers, some fries and two large strawberry smoothies. Setting their food on empty table and sitting down themselves they started to eat. Jennifer ate her burger with a gusto, feeling rather hungry. Karyn watched with some amusement as her girlfriend simply devoured the burger. "God, she is so adorable with crumbs stuck to corners of her mouth like this." Karyn thought to herself with a big grin on her face.

Jennifer soon finished her burger and let out a sigh, taking a few fries and sipping her smoothie. She looked at her girlfriend across her, and noticed her grin. "What?" She asked.

Karyn giggled "Nothing, you are just so adorable." She smirked "And you have some crumbs stuck to corners of your mouth." She took her napkin and moved it towards Jennifer's mouth, gently cleaning the crumbs away. "There. Much better."

Jennifer blushed a bit under her girlfriend's attention. "Thanks." She said and then sipped her smoothie.

Karyn giggled "No problem." She took a sip of her own drink.

A comfortable silence lasted for a few moments until Jennifer broke it. "So, what do you think about today? Personally it has been one crazy day for me."

Karyn smiled "I can imagine." She said "I think the day was great. We are closer than ever and we both are going to learn some awesome things." She grinned "Though I think one of biggest highlights of the day was seeing you spill orange juice over McMillan."

Jennifer giggled "Yeah, you are right. The day was great. Though I think I know of a bigger highlight." She grinned.

Karyn smiled, thinking that she knew where it was going but playing along "Oh? Like what?"

Jennifer smiled slyly "The kiss in the park."

Karyn matched the smile "Well, that was certainly a highlight. Though... the day has not ended yet." She smirked "Think we could top that?"

Jennifer tilted her head to a side, still smiling "I don't know... Though I am certainly willing to try." The suggestive tone in the end there sent pleasant shiver down Karyn's spine.

Karyn grinned "Well, let's not waste any time, then." She said and the two girls rose from seats, throwing trash away and then making their way to arcade.

'The Endless Adventure' arcade was the kind of arcade that did not simply host arcade machines and the like. It was an arcade which through the years it has been situated in the mall has improved and evolved itself to a very popular place even at the time when PC and console gaming was so much more popular. One of the reasons for it's popularity is atmosphere. As you walk into arcade you feel like you entered a tavern from some kind of fantasy book. There is small local cafe that offers coffee, tea, ice cream, milkshakes and some light snacks. There are a few small tables and a few larger ones for large groups. The area itself is decorated by fantasy props like swords, fancy looking potion bottles, monster figurines, some old maps and so on. There are a few more popular arcade machines in corner and a lot of shelves full of various board games that customers can sit and play together.

There is also an arch, artfully build like a sort of portal that leads into more modern 'future' area of arcade. This area is decorated with more futuristic aspects and neon lamps. In the more futuristic area there are many more arcade machines, pinball tables and some antique machines like fortune teller machine. There are a few large TVs with consoles and a dancing machine. There is also another room that leads to a VR experience room that is often tweaked and updated by owners to give the users best experience. Lastly there are stairs that lead to another floor where one can find an escape room. The theme for the room is changed every month or so and it is very popular.

Like usual arcade had quite a few customers. Some young couples or parents with kids were sitting in fantasy setting of the arcade. A few teenagers were surrounding one of pinball machines and a smaller group seemed to be playing a board game in one of corner tables. Jennifer and Karyn walked into the arcade, instantly going to the future area as they tried to decide what to play first.

Jennifer smiled "So, what would you like to do? Want to try one of fighting games? Heard new Dragon Ball game is alright." She suggested.

Karyn grinned "Actually, I was thinking about something more active." She pointed at the dancing arcade machine with a grin.

Jennifer looked bit unsure "Dunno, Karyn... I never was a great dancer."

Karyn pouted at her girlfriend "Aww, c'mon! It will be fun. And we came to have fun, right?" She grinned "How about a little wager to make things interesting?"

Jennifer raised an eyebrow "What kind of wager?"

Karyn grinned "If I win - tomorrow you come to school dolled up. Skirt, heels, nice top - all nine yards."

Jennifer grinned "And if I win you will have to do the same."

Karyn chuckled "Fair enough. So, are you game?"

Jennifer grinned "You are on."

With happy smiles both of the girls walked to the dancing machine and started it up. In a few moments the music started and the girls started to move to the rhythm, both focused attentively to the moving arrows and colors, pressing their feet into the corresponding symbols of the mat below them as they were having their competition. The music and the fact that two really attractive girls were dancing attracted a small crowd of onlookers who watched and cheered them on a bit. Both girls, however, were too focused on the song and moves they were making.

Karyn was in the lead, but Jennifer was not too far behind score wise. Jennifer was actually surprised she was doing so well, but just chalked it up to her new body and life. Both she and Karyn felt like the background washed out and they focused on the movements of their bodies. The fact that both were so close to each other was a bit distracting for both of the girls, but both felt the need to win. Last part of the song started and Karyn was still in the lead with Jennifer only a few points behind. Karyn focused all her attention on screen and nailed a perfect combo. Jennifer got a little bit distracted by her long hair and missed one beat. As the music got silent the final result made Jennifer pout a little. Karyn won.

The two girls were surprised a bit by applause of the crowd that gathered to watch and blushed under the cheers and attention. Both thanked for compliments of doing so well and went through the crowd to fantasy part of the arcade, both breathing a bit heavily from exercise.

Karyn smiled "That was rather close. You did really well, Jen."

Jennifer smiled "Thanks. And you were right - it was fun. You are great dancer."

Karyn giggled "You are not too bad yourself." She then grinned "And I expect to see you all prettied up tomorrow morning."

Jennifer sighed "Fiiiine. A deal is a deal." She smiled "Want a milkshake?"

Karyn smiled "I would love one." The two girls moved to a cafe and ordered a milkshake each.

A hour or so later both girls exited the mall with smiles on their faces, having had a great time. It might not have been an actual date, but it certainly felt like one for both and they were really happy. Jennifer managed to beat Karyn in a few fighting games they played and they both tried VR for a bit. It was fun, but not as great as both girls hopped, but then again - they are hard to surprise now that they both knew actual magic existed. VR just could not quite compare. Nonetheless - both had a great time and now were slowly walking home. During their walk they happily chatted to each other about the games they played and made some plans for future - Karyn wanted to take Jennifer to the movies on weekend. To which Jennifer easily agreed.

Eventually both of girlfriends reached Madison house and stopped at walkway for a few moments. Jennifer looked at Karyn and smiled.

"Thanks for walking me home, Karyn. I had a really great time today." Jennifer said.

Karyn smiled "No problem, Jen. I had great time too." She smiled "I am really happy to have you in my life, Jennifer. I love you." She said gently, looking at Jennifer's eyes.

Jennifer smiled "I am really happy to have you in my life as well, Karyn. I love you too." She said and leaned in.

Both of the girls shared a long, loving kiss that left them both a little weak in the knees. It lasted for seemingly long time, yet it seemed too short for the both of them. Each of the girls again confirmed in their hearts that the person they were kissing was the one - that no matter what they each loved each other and would do anything for one another.

All too soon the kiss ended and they separated.

Karyn smiled "Now this was the highlight of the day."

Jennifer giggled "Indeed." She said with a smile "I will see you tomorrow."

Karyn smiled "See you tomorrow."

Both of the girls turned around and walked for a bit. Jennifer stopped near her house door and turned to look at Karyn's direction, catching Karyn looking back at her. Both smiled and with a final look Jennifer entered her house.

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