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3. Medula

2. Unstable Universe

1. The Drafting Board


on 2016-11-22 05:15:30

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FTM MC MTF Myth SciFi Unaware

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"You'll never get away with this Medula," exclaims Wonder Woman from her chair, held in place by glowing rings of light around her ankles and wrists like the many other women and girls around her whom she came to rescue, each resembling patients at a dentist's office in their pose in the comfort of the soft, leather dental-like chairs. The superheroine is the only one who seems to have her wits about her; most of the others seemingly content to gaze up at large, glowing, projected spiral images that rotate before them. However even she, like the others, is shoeless, her shiny, tan hosed feet joining the ranks of other feet, some bare, others hosed, which line the rows of chairs around her, lifted slightly as each woman and girls reclines slightly. Some of the others have broken free from their bonds, but only so that their feet may be lifted up into the midst of the swirling light, and so their hands and fingers may now roam free over the rest of their bodies as they scream and moan loudly from the apparent pleasure their feet being bathed in the spiral produces. Women and girls, young and old, finger their pussies, pinch their nipples, fondle their breasts, and writhe their sweat soaked bodies against glistening leather beneath them, their chorus echoing loudly through the laboratory-like setting, each seemingly free enough to escape, but not wanting to.

"What are you doing to them?" Wonder Woman asks as her captor prances before her, half paying attention to the superheroine, half savoring the sights and sounds emanating from those she came to rescue, the latest batch of what now amounts to a few hundred women and girls who have mysteriously gone missing in recent weeks and months. "Shhhh," Medula almost taunts the heroine raising a solitary finger to her lips, "she is almost here and I don't want to waste my time explaining myself twice." In an instant, Wonder Woman's thoughts flash to her automated distress signal, the anticipated response, and then to the clicking of heeled boots on the cold concrete across the room. She does not even need to look up knowing that Super Girl has arrived. Given her own predicament, she does not know whether to scream out a warning, or hope for rescue.

"Welcome Super Girl, won't you please join us?" Medula calls out, not deviating from her task as she paces up and down the aisles of captives. Super Girl, stunned that her entry to the building was not as undetected as she had hoped pauses for a moment before emerging from behind a stack of crates in the corner, her eyes immediately seeking out and finding her fellow heroine and offering her a confident gaze. But before Medula can say another word, Super Girl lets out an audible gasp as her eyes leave Wonder Woman and begin making their way around the rest of the room, the other women and girls, the swirling spirals of light, the half naked bodies, the feet, the hose, tracing back to her fellow heroine and her own hosed feet. "What's the matter Super Girl," stunned to find something so pleasing to you? You know not all of us, what do you call us...villianesses are evil you know." Wonder Woman can't help but notice her friend's reaction to the sights around her, pausing a moment before asking, "Super Girl, what's wrong?"

"Yes Super Girl, why don't you tell your friend here what is wrong," Medula begins taunting the heroine. "Explain to her that you actually like some of what you see." "What? I don't know what you're talking about," Super Girl defensively replies, only to have Medula shake her head is disbelief. "It is so much easier when one comes to grip with their fetishes on their own, but very well." Medula presses a button on a control panel and a large image is projected in the middle of the room before Super Girl, but in clear view of her captive friend. "Oh my," Super Girl exclaims as images of her, as a little girl, right up through today stream across the projected image, images of her lapping and sucking her own feet and toes, bare, in pantyhose, in stockings...masturbating to images from magazines with women and girls in similar situations...fucking herself almost senseless with dildos and vibrators, some of which she even covered in pantyhose before gliding them into her dripping pussy. "My God...Super Girl..." Wonder Woman whispers as she looks to her friend who drops to her knees, crying from the embarrassment and knowing what it means even before Wonder Woman can say it. "You realize that these earthly weaknesses mean that you, I mean that you have to give up..." "Yes, I, I know Wonder Woman. I know what it means," Super Girl says through her tears. "But I, I was like this long before I became, before I was thrust into this, this role. I, I never asked for it, I just wanted to be a girl, a, a woman. I, I'm so sorry."

Medula grins evilly as she prances towards Super Girl, her stilettos now resting on the floor behind her as she pads towards the heroine in her black hosed feet, reaching the heroine and extending her right foot towards the kneeling girl, placing her toes beneath her chin and tilting her head upwards. "You know Super Girl, the Justice League may no longer want you, may no longer be able to offer you what you are looking for, but I can." Wonder Woman begins to panic, realizing quickly what is happening, what Medula's tact is, and realizing she played right along. "Super Girl I did not mean, I mean, I'm sure we can work this out..." she desperately tries to recover only to be interrupted by a wave of Medula's hand who gazes down into the tear filled heroine's eyes. "Now Super Girl, tell me, do you want to stay with those who betray you the moment you show the little girl that lives under that outfit of yours, or do you want to come with someone who can let that little girl loose and give you everything you need?"

"Oh my God no!" Wonder Woman cries out as she watches her friend's tears trail off, an audible breath leaving her lungs as her eyes seem to glaze over. "Super Girl, don't let her do this to you, I'm sorry," she continues as Medula backs away from the kneeling woman, allowing her to rise, only bending down again to unzip her calf-length red boots, stepping from them in her shiny, white hosed feet. Medula leads the girl to a vacant chair across the room from Wonder Woman, exaggerating her movement as she directs the girl to the chair like a hostess leading a patron to their restaurant table. As she helps the girl recline in her chair, Medula speaks, her words not directed at the blank-stared girl beneath her, but to her other captive. "You see Wonder Woman the one thing I have been unable to permeate is the mind of a superheroine and, of course, I realized early on that that would eventually be necessary if I wanted to truly enslave the entire Earth. I figured the only way I could possibly do it would be for one of you to let me inside their mind voluntarily and, for that, I need to thank you," she says looking up from her newest captive for just a moment to grin evilly at Wonder Woman who herself begins to cry at her betrayal of her friend and, perhaps, of all human-kind.

A push of a button behind Super Girl's chair by Medula, and the now familiar spiraling light appears before her, the young heroine seeming to almost want to be looking into it, almost wanting to accept her fate, whatever it may be. "Yes, it is much easier this way," Medula comments aloud recalling the countless women and girls who have been literally dragged into similar positions only to eventually suffer the same fate. She, and Wonder Woman look on as Super Girl's eyes seem to reflect the spiraling image projected before her, as the moans and cries of the others around her continue to fill the room, but Wonder Woman is only focused on her friend, her own tears flowing as she watches her slip away. "Super Girl...please...don't let her do this to you," she whispers aloud as she watches her friend's hosed feet lifting from the chair towards the spiraling light, "please Super Girl, be strong...please," breaking down in loud sobs which are instantly drowned out by the cries of her friend as her feet glide into the spiral. Through her tears, Wonder Woman watches helplessly as Super Girl glides her feet together in the spiral, her hips gyrating wilding, her hands gliding over the blue spandex covering her breasts, which seems almost even more form-fitting than normal under the pressure of her nipples extending now from beneath. She watches as she shreds the spandex between her legs, wanting so much, needing to get to her hose shrouded pussy, her fingers making fast work of driving her hose deep inside her now dripping pussy as she wildly finger fucks herself. As the pleasure builds, Wonder Woman can barely stand to look, her attention directed back to her friend as her moans and cries seem to build to a crescendo, gasping for air the fingers of both hands deep inside her hosed lined last cry of pure ecstasy, as if an entire lifetime of sexual frustration were suddenly relieved, leaving the young heroine limp, head cocked to one side, eyes closed in peaceful slumber, her hosed feet again resting on the soft leather of the chair. Medula smiles as she deactivates the spiral, stroking the young heroines cheek with her fingers.

"Is she...she... dead?" Wonder woman struggles to ask through her tears, finding it hard to even look across the room to her fallen comrade. "Dead?" Medula laughs. "You really do not understand at all what I am doing here my dear do you? I do not offer death, but rather new life, isn't that right Super Girl?" Wonder Woman breathes a momentarily sigh of relief as she notices her friend beginning to stir in her chair. "She, she survived," she whispers to herself as she watches Super Girl slowly sit up in the chair, her eyes still closed as she turns and lowers her feet over the side and standing up. "We, we are going to get though this Super Girl," she calls out to her friend, sensing some hope, as she positions herself besides Medula, arms limp at her side. Medula cackles at Wonder Woman's hopefulness, "you really still don't get it do you Wonder Woman" seemingly washing the encouragement from the heroine's face. "As I said I do not deal in death, but rather, new, refreshing life...don't you agree Super Girl?" Wonder Woman looks to her friend and almost goes pale as she watches her eyes slowly open, and where there once were eyes which instilled confidence in thousands now are two, glowing, bright blue orbs, Super Girl's voice droning on mindlessly, robotically "" "Super" Wonder Woman whispers, tears again filling her eyes. "And what is your purpose Super Girl?" Medula adds. The young heroine replies, "" "Very, very good Super Girl, now, I command you, stop allowing your friend here to waste my time, I am far, far to busy for her anymore. Make her like you!" "" the young girl drones as her shiny hosed feet begin to pad towards Wonder Woman.
Medula's laughter fills the room as she takes a seat on a vacant recliner, snapping her fingers and summoning five young girls, still in their cheerleader outfits from when they we captured earlier that day, their eyes aglow as they stand before Medula. As Medula positions the girls around her, her attention remains focused on Wonder Woman, pleading, begging her friend to "wake up," to "snap out of it," as she draws nearer to her. Two cheerleaders kneel beside Medula, freeing her breasts from her silken top as Medula pulls their lips and mouth atop her nipples, while two other each take a black, hosed foot in their hands petting, licking, and sucking. The final cheerleader kneels between Medula's legs and Medula cups both hands behind the girl's head and pulls her flickering tongue against her hosed pussy. As Medula's own pleasure builds, she looks across the room to Super Girl, climbing atop the chair with Wonder Woman, a leg straddling either side of her as she kneels over her, looking down upon her. "Super Girl...NO! PLEASE! NOOOOOOOOO!"

Medula cums wildly as a bright beam of hot white light shoots from Super Girl's eyes onto Wonder Woman's forehead, instantly silencing her scream. After a few moments, the beam vanishes, and Super Girl climbs down from atop her friend, Wonder woman's head still shrouded in a halo of bright white light, eyes open wide...a look of pure shock and horror frozen in time on her face. The heroine whispers as she gazes mindless ahead, "I am with you Medula, " repeating, "I am with you Medula," repeating, "I am with you Medula," over and over again, each time loud, each time with more and more conviction. Finally, her eyes close, her body tensing as she struggles to talk..."I" a loud gasp pouring from her mouth as the light which surrounded her head almost seems to be absorbed by her skull, and her body falls still against the chair for a moment, as the bands of light which held her in place for so long now subside. Free at last, the heroine's first movement is not to run, not to flee, but rather, to lean forward, cupping her hand around her one silky ankle and pulling her hosed foot to her lips, her mouth opening in unison with her eyes, her eyes now ablaze with the same blue glow as Super Girl's, a now robotic chant parting her lips, "" before she is silenced by her own silky toes gliding deep into her mouth.

Later the evening, Medula lounges in her bedroom, atop silken sheets, clad in nothing but her black pantyhose, a superheroine at either foot, though looking much less "super" now in just their own pantyhose, their eyes still aglow with their new found "life." As she looks down at the sight beneath her toes, her shapely arches and heels, she cannot help but laugh to herself, "yes, this is MUCH easier."

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