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9. Werewolf

8. The Next Morning

7. Meanwhile, back on the ranch..

6. Freak

5. The New Jon

4. Sarah Hatches A Plan

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Karen, Goth She-wolf?

on 2001-09-06 11:18:33

1116 hits, 47 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Herm Inanimate MC MTF Magic Part Swap Super Unaware

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"Yeah. Its me Karen. You know the girl you turned into a fucking freak and then into a werewolf!"

"Karen, calm down, you're not a werewolf. How could you be? The full moon's not for another week!"

"Tell that to my body, Jon! I'm only barely keeping it in, and it's damned hard since I'm so fucking pissed at you right now!"

Jon was startled by Karen's fury, and downright frightened by what he saw next as Karen growled, yes growled at him, baring teeth that were growing into fangs before his eyes. Her candy apple red hair seemed to grow a bit wilder, almost like a mane, and he saw her extremely pierced ears stretch to points and poke forth from it.

Karen paused for a second and caught her breath, trying to calm down. With what looked like a lot of concentration, she managed to compose herself and slowly her feral features retracted back into her.

"Now Jon, you jerk, where's the stone?"

"I...I don't have it!"

"Don't lie to me, Jon. Of course you have it, or else I wouldn't be like this. First I ended up a goth girl, and I figured 'ha-ha, nice joke, Jon'. An hour later I find myself wetting my seat while looking up lesbian porn on the internet. Is that how you want me? Some lesbian freak? Well, then I got pissed, and believe me, that little wetdream of yours I turned into was the last fucking straw. I didn't know you were into that shit, and I might not have cared if it wasn't happening to MY BODY! Now tell me where the goddamned stone is, motherfucker"

"Karen, I didn't do this to you, the stone was stolen!"

"Stolen? How?"

"It was Sarah!"

Jon had blurted out the words before he realized what was happening, and immediately doubled over in pain. Karen couldn't see what was happening to him, but showed obvious panic at the thought of Sarah with the stone.

"Holy shit! This is bad, Jon. This is really bad!

Jon, now Joan again, looked up at Karen and brushed aside long curly black locks.

"Well, you get the Mistress of the Obvious award today, Karen"

Joan rose to her feet sadly, and looked to Karen, not sure what to say. An odd look crept into Karen's eyes, and she stepped closer to Joan, her breathing a little faster. She ran a hand across Joan's chest, and began to rub up to her side.

"God, Karen, this isn't a time for joking. Yeah, I know you're a lesbian now. Ha-ha."

"Jesus, it's no joke...I can't help myself. don't get it! She planned too well! I didn't tell you this before, but...well..."

"Well what, Karen? Spit it out!"

"It's hardest to keep the beast in when I'm aroused!"

Joan let out a frightened shriek, but Karen already had her in a tight grip as she tried to pull away. The goth girl's eyes shone a startling amber as her fangs grew in and she eyed Joan hungrily, her features growing more feral by the second.

"Joan, I can't help myself. Her wish is making me want you, and want you like only an animal can."

Karen's candy apple red hair cascaded down, becoming a wild and tangled mane. Black tufts of fur blossomed on her cheeks and spread like fire on her shoulders under the fishnet shirt.

"Karen! get a hold of yourself!"

Karen seemed lost in thought at these words, trying to remember who she once was. Then she looked back up at Jon and...

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