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8. A forced change

7. Sarah parties down

6. Karyn's eating for two now

5. The New Jon

4. Sarah Hatches A Plan

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

A force change

on 2002-09-15 00:47:36

4112 hits, 260 views, 1 upvotes.

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Randy winced in pain gave an evil look towards Sarah. "What...have you..done" Randy said as he hunched over in pain and fell to his hands and knees.

Sarah simply said "Well Randy, I know how you have always loved being the big man on campus, so I figured maybe you should try being the big woman on campus. Since you always stuck to the motto 'no pain, no gain' when you trained for football I think it is only fitting that the same should hold true for your change. You see, I wished that you would give birth to yourself through this transformation, so essentially every time a part of you changes it will be equivilent to the feelings experienced during childbirth. Oh, and there is a special suprise for you at the end. So enjoy it Randy, or should I say Ransheeta."

Randy could not reply. The transformation was begining to take full effect and all he could not focus on anything but the pain. He felt it in his hands first. He made as tight a fist as he could, but the presure kept building, making his hands feel like they were being crushed. Suddenly the pressur in his hands stopped and he looked at his hands for a moment. They looked daintier, the fingers thinner, and the hair that had grown on his fingers was gone. No sooner had he noticed this then the same painful presure build up in each of his finger tips. He moaned in agony as he pusehed the ends of each of his fingers. Both hands were strained with tension and looked like claws. Slowly, each of his fingernails pushed out until they reached about an inch and a half in length. Next Randy felt the pain in his arms. He flexed his muscular arms, the veins bulged and his muscles were quite impressive. He could not feel anything but pain, and the only way to get any relieve was to push it out as hard as he could. He kept flexing his arms, pushing the pain, but it only got worse. Slowly his muscles started to loose definition. Muscle gave way to normal arms, and then to Randy's horror, he had to flex even more. this time every flex he made caused his arms to grow bigger, fatter, and flabbier. By the time it was done his arms had become one big blob of flesh. "Oh....god" was all he could say as the pain moved on to his nipples. His new feminine hands grabed onto his nips and he pulled as hard as he could. This caused his nipples to stretch out and become more prominent. Then he found himself rubbing his areaolas vigorously. This actually mixed a slight pleasure with his intense pain as the areaolas spread and became more sensitive. Sudenly, a quick shock ran through Randy's chest and he arched his back in pain. He the found himself flexing his pecs as hard as possible, each time causing two mounds to form and increase in size. They grew and grew until they reached the size of watermelons. they were not pert or perky, but rather flkabby and saggy. Next his abodoman began to hurt, like a stomach ache, only 100 times worse. As he pushed his gut grew. His waste expanded. His jeans ripped off at the waste. Folds of fat began to appear. by the time it was done he had increased in girth to suh an extent that he would probably never be able to see his dick again. Unluckily for him that statement would have been true regardless since the pain shifted to his groin next. He pulled his balls and shaft inside him, leaving unquestionably female now. Next Randy's ass and hips began to hurt. He pushed on his as and stuck it into the air. His once muscular ass began to inflate and became so huge that it probably took up 20% of Randy's entire body weight. His waste had expanded even more so that he now posessed an hour glass figure for lack of a better word. His new measurements were now at least 60-50-60. Nex he felt the same process in his legs that happened in his arems. He puched with all his might. His legs got larger, his ankles swelled, and cellulite acumulate on his upper thighs and ass. Finally the pain reached right up to his head. He pulled on his hair, causing it to grow, and his face contorted in painful agony as it rearanged. His neck swelled and his chin was lost in a sea of fat. Finally he, now she, thought the changes were over and looked at Sarah. "What...why....turn me back." pleaded the hefty teen Randy had become.

"Did you forget that I said there was a suprise at the end?" Replied Sarah

Randy looked in horror as he felt another sensation begining to emerge

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