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8. Karyn's wish-filled morning be

7. ((Not an episode))

6. Karyn's STILL a growing girl.

5. The New Jon

4. Sarah Hatches A Plan

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn's wish-filled morning begins

on 2012-03-19 16:48:41

1976 hits, 123 views, 1 upvotes.

Aware Herm SciFi

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Having no other options, Karyn went to sleep that night. She couldn't imagine that Sarah was laying in bed with the stone in her hand...thinking...thinking and giggling as new ideas came to mind. In the morning...

Karyn woke feeling better than she'd expected to feel. She flicked on the light and blinked...and found her room had changed drasticly. The walls were covered with colorful posters of...well, everything. There were superheroes and sci-fi movies and other things she couldn't identify. Things like...yes, Battlestar Galactica...Doctor WHO..Star Trek, but only the original series...


...because the classics were better. Yes, she had very strong opinions about her sci-fi pop culture. Very strong opinions. She'd often gotten into loud, vocal argumants about really important things like how Jon Pertwee was OBVIOUSLY the superior Doctor Who, and William Shatner the only REAL Captain of the Enterprise. I mean, it was just so obvious. She waddled to her closet, and the act of waddling seemed...normal. Certainly not unpleasant. Her big, solid body rolled and wobbled as she moved, and as she opened her closet she gasped at the boundless treasurs that awaited her. Long boxes. Dozens of them. Stacked three high, she opened one...and gasped in delight as she saw an entire run of Uncanny mint condition! Each issue was carefully bagged and boarded, and she almost wept for joy as she inspected box after box of wonderous treasures. The entire run of the Justice League...Amazing Spiderman...a full box of 60's through 70's era Batman comics. Pre-Crisis continuity was OBVIOUSLY the best, and she had no patience for oafs who don't realise just how much the last half-dozen reboots and Crisis Events had cost DC in ruined continuity. Still, she subscribed to dozens of DC and Marvel titles, so many that she needed to work long hours after school at the local McDonalds...


...which wasn't easy, what with her Chess Club and Comics Club duties to keep up with. Oh, SO many responsibilities! AND she still had to study for all her honors and advanced classes. She couldn't quite feel her IQ sky rocketing till she was the smartest girl in school...but it had happened. She reached into her minifridge and pulled out a can of coke and a box of moonpies. lowering herself to her bed, she sat ...then finally lay down and read the last dozen issues of various comics, deeply involved in what was going on. The Huntress was now the reborn daughter of Earth-2's Batman? That was an improvement. Bat-Girl was WALKING again? Awesome! Oh, shit...the Avengers and the X-Men were fighting? Didn't the Avengers realise that the X-Men are just trying to survive? And why was Captain Britan fighting Rachel Summers? They'd been teammates back when they'd both been in Excaliber!

These...were such...very important...issues.

Her alarm went off, and she saw she had to get ready for school. She rolled to her feet and waddled to the bathroom...but after smelling her pits, she decided she was still clean. Rooting through her dirty clothes hamper, she pulled out a Green Lantern t-shirt - sniffed it for freshness - and pulled it on. Oversized Wonder Woman panties came next, and she struggled to slim into black pants with an elastic waistband. Her socks had little Wolverine logos on them, and...


...she put on her heavy, black framed glasses. She ran her fingers through her greasy hair, and tied it back into two sloppy pigtails with a pair of Hello Kitty hairbands. Struggling to her feet again, she gathered her textbooks and a dozen comics into her Wonder Woman beekbag and waddled downstairs. Her mother saw her, and for a second she expectd her to ask her who she was...but instead her mom was almost as fat as she was, dressed just as slovenly, and setting the table with a massive spread of pancakes, sausage and bacon. She wanted to cry...but a part of her was just happy that mom wasn't going to ask any questions...and would feed her as she wanted. She started in eagerly, and no words were exchanged as they both stuffed mouthful after mouthful of food into themselves. Karyne KNEW this was all wrong...but she was starting to have trouble seeing where the old RIGHT ended and the new WRONG began. She felt...comfortable as a glutton...a slob...a geek. Her comics and old sci-fi movies were so very important to her...could she wish them away if she had the chance? Would she?

Finishing, she kissed her mom on the cheek, leafing a syrup smear, then hefted her bookbag again. She started for the bus, and bumped into Leonard Drullers and some of his friends. Instead of avoiding her, they crowded around her and they began to talk like old friends. These people didn't judge her - didn't dress any better than her either - and as they argued and laughed about the John Carter movie and the latests updates to World of Warcraft, Karyn felt...comfortable. Leonard and his friends seemed like her friends as well, and everything they said was interesting...



She looked up and saw Jon, and smiled. Finaly, she could talk with him Talk...and maybe other things. She broke off from her friends and waddled to him. He looked like he wanted to cry, and he whispered "Oh, Karyn...Sarah really put you through the ringer, didn't she?"

She muttered "Yeah, but...that's not important right now. Right now...I need you." and she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. He flinched at the smell of her - like old, sweaty socks - and the taste of her braces, breakfast and breath. Still, he knew he shouldn't pull away from her just yet. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. "Oh, Jon...oh, I'm so into you right now." she wheezed.

Jon saw Leonard and the rest of his friends grinning at him, and he broke off of Karyn. He whispered "Let's talk about this later", and started towards the bus stop. She followed, and slipped her hand into his. Jon realised that as fat and (to be perfectly honest) unattractive as she was, Karyn seemed...rather highly sexed. She kept brushing her cumbersome hips against him as they walked, and giggled when he bumped her belly. She smiled at him - braces winking - and he wondered how he'd get out of this without hurting her feelings. He'd have to get his wishing rock back from Sarah as soon as possible.

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