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15. Finally finding Suzie

14. My first combat

13. Onwards!

12. A Run In With A Sage

11. The Barroom

10. Looking Around

9. Bad Luck

8. Try the MAP out

7. my MAP

6. Entering Starting Point

5. Shocked

4. Enter – Epic City

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Finally finding Suzie

on 2006-10-03 04:45:09

1067 hits, 32 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro Aware Body Swap FTM Magic Musc Omni Part Theft

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The Tree Gardens was, well, how can I say this without sounding to girly Well, I really can't, it was beautiful! There were flowers everywhere, and the smell! Oh my God, it was such a wonderful smell! It seemed that someone had intentionally mixed the different flowers to make a masterpiece specifically designed for the sense of smell.

Pearly white paths of stone wound around brightly colored flower beds and massive trees that were as large across as two simi trucks put end to end. A canopy of leaves shaded the entire area and I could see small huts and shops hidden in the huge branches of the trees.

I finally found the tree that my Map said Suzie was in and walked up on a glowing circle beneath it. I, along with three Elves and an Orc of all things, was shot over 400 feet into the air and let off on a wooden pathway that wound through the branches.

I found Suzie's quarters fairly easily. It was situated in a small row of huts that I think was some sort of Elvin dormitory. I knocked on the door with a big smile on my face. Partly because I was happy I was finally going to get to see her face-to-face, well, somewhat. But mostly I was grinning because I knew the shock on her face was going to be hilarious! I didn't even once think she would take this badly. Our relationship was a best friend/lover type and I knew that once it was explained that she would probably find it funny as hell! Of course I was in for a whole lot of teasing!

Sex was probably going to be ok too. I was kinda interested in seeing what girl on girl was like and Suzie and I had talked about it several times. We had even planned on trying it, just not this soon. I had hoped to be able to hold her in my manly arms and make sweet love to her but even with this twist it was still going to be a very fun time!

When Suzie answered the door I could tell right away it was her. She looked just like her pictures (Including the blue hair), only as an Elf. We were close to the same height and she had the cutest pointed ears you ever saw. My tits were bigger than hers, guys notice these things I guess.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a voice as sweet as honey.

"Hi Suzie." I smiled. "Sorry it took me so long to get here. I ran into a few problems."

She cocked her head to the side and a wiry smile crossed her lips. "David?" She asked. Seeing my smile confirmed her suspicions. "Well I never expected this."

I looked down. "It was an accident." I mumbled. I had thought I could take this well but standing here in front of the girl I loved the embarrassment of the situation set in.

"It must have been one hell of a accident!" She giggled. "Come on in and tell me all about it."

She led me into her room and offered me a seat. It wasn't too different from mine but it had magic instead of technology and a more natural look to it. It also had a few decorations and looked more like someone lived there.

"So, tell me what happened." She said as she offered me a drink. I sipped the wine she had given me and began telling her all about the trip here from the start. She sat in rapt attention the entire time as I told my tale. She smiled as I finished my story and came over and sat in my lap.

"Well, for a mistake you sure made a good one my love." She said as she stroked my hair. "And a damn pretty one too!"

Then the moment I had waited for what seemed like forever; our lips meet and we kissed passionately. Afterwards she rose and took my hand pulling me out of the chair and towards the bed.

"I don't know." I said hesitantly as she began pulling off her top.

"Come on," She smiled as she dropped her top to the floor exposing her beautiful breasts. "I'm sure you'll like it."

"But " I started to say as she silenced me with another wet steamy kiss. Her hands moved under the lightweight shirt I was wearing (Ok, it's a blouse but it's my story!) and she slid it over my head with ease exposing my bountifully full bra. Before I knew it we were on her bed fully naked and her fingers and tongue were doing things to my big tits that send electric jolts straight to my brain. I never knew that these things felt that great!

"You like that?" She asked with a big grin. Like she didn't know the answer to that question! I was making all sorts of girly squeals and moans! She could tell though that I was having trouble figuring out what to do here.

"Just relax and let your body do what's natural." She said softly as she kissed me again.

As I relaxed I could feel what I needed to do and slid down her soft body to repay her sweet ministrations to my breasts. As if on autopilot I started to massage and run my tongue over her nipples. Her moans of pleasure told me I was on the right track and I continued till I felt a gentle pressure on my head urging me lower. My body and mind both knew what she wanted and was more than obliged to do.

As I lowered my head down to her waiting pussy I had to giggle a little at the soft downy patch of blue hair right over the opening. I dove into her pussy with a skill that was not my own. I found out very quickly what those two points in seduction gave me and from the sounds of it Suzie was very happy about it! It was amazing what two fingers and a tongue can do for a woman! I left her panting and gasping for air as I crawled smiling back up to her.

"You have a skill!" She smiled as we lay there kissing and petting. "I think it's time for me to get a taste of that smooth little pussy of yours now."

She ran her hand over my wet shaved pussy for the first time and I almost jumped out of the bed. I, of course, had jacked off before but it had never felt anything like that! I opened my legs for her as she slid down between them. From the first second her tongue hit my ultra sensitive clit I was in heaven! Never in my life had I experienced anything as wonderful as her tongue sliding slowly over my clit. It couldn't possibly get any better than this!

Boy was I wrong! I could feel something building in my lower regions as I moaned and squealed in delight. Like a tidal wave it hit a peak and my whole world exploded! From the tips of my toes to the very ends of my hair my body clenched up as I was swept away on an ocean of pure pleasure and Suzie kept going pushing it further and further. As great as this felt I had to push her away and make her stop before I literally died from pleasure.

When I could finally see, breathe, and think again Suzie was lying next to me with a sweet smile on her face.

"What the hell was that?" I gasped.

"That was an orgasm sweetie." She giggled.

"How the hell can women not want sex 24 hours a day?" I asked her with a laugh.

"Who said we don't?" She giggled as she kissed my ear.

"Maybe being a girl won't be so bad." I grinned as we snuggled closely.

After we had regained our strength I decided to ask her some about the game.

"So, what have you been doing in the game since you got it?" I asked. "I didn't know that one hour equaled a month! You've actually got quite a bit of game time behind you!"

"Not really too much." She told me. "I've been mainly waiting for you to get online so we can do stuff together."

She got up and poured us both another glass of wine. Sitting back down on the bed she continued.

"I've been mainly working my job to build up some gold so I can get some equipment. I chose to live in the high end of town so that means you start with less gold and a low pay job. I'm working as a courier, running packages from here to there." She said as she sipped her wine. "I've also got out and explored some of the city. Where did you start out at?"

"The Bronx." I laughed. "Or at least this game's version of it."

She giggled. "So, my girl is from the bad side of town." She smiled. "You must have gotten quite a bit of starting gold."

"I got over 400 gold to start with I told her. "Plus I also got an inheritance!"

I got up and retrieved my fan from the floor. She whistled when I told her what it could do.

"That's awesome!" She said. "Did you get a good job too?"

"I don't really know." I told her. "I'm some kind of dancer."

"Well, you certainly aren't a ballerina down there. Maybe you're a cabaret dancer?" She said. Then she giggled. "Or maybe you're a stripper!"

"No, I'm not " Then the pieces fell into place and my face fell.

"You are a stripper?" She gasped. A wide smile crept across her face. "Oh my God! You're a stripper!"

"Noooo!" I cried as I fell back into the bed causing my breast to do funny things. Suzie was no help at all as she was literally rolling in laughter.

"I can't wait to see you perform!" She laughed.

"That'll never happen!" I shouted to her. "Beside, I don't need the money, I have plenty to start."

"Sorry my sweet little stripper but that much money is plenty enough to live in town but it will barely be enough to buy your equipment." She informed me, "Plus at your job is where you get your first quests."

"Wait," I told her as I jumped up and grabbed my pack. I pulled out the slip of paper I had received and showed it to her. "This has got to be worth something. I should be able to sell it for quite a bit."

"Where did you get this?" She asked with her eyes wide.

"Know that Orc I defeated?" I said. "The guy he was picking on gave it to me. I know how valuable it is. I'll worry about the quests later. This should get me enough to fully outfit myself for adventuring."

"Yes, this is very valuable, but it's personalized." She told me. "Only you can use it. They do that to keep people from buying a bunch of them and over powering their character."

I groaned as my idea was shot down.

"You are going to be one hot stripper!" She said.

"I'm not going to strip."

"I'll be right there to help you out."

"I'm not going to strip."

"We could always just get you drunk before you go on stage."

"I'm not going to strip."

"Do you know how much money a stripper makes?"

"I'm not going to strip."

"I've heard a good stripper can make 30-50 gold a night!"

"I'm not going to strip."

"A couple weeks of that and you could afford to buy both of ours equipment and maybe even some transportation!"

"I'm not going to strip."

"Of course if you turned a few tricks on the side you could cut the time down considerably!"

"I'm not " I smacked her upside her giggling head with a pillow!

She laughed as she brushed her long blue hair back into place. "Well, let's at least go get you your makeover." She said. "We need for you to look the best for your customers! Have you thought about going blonde? I heard blondes make more money."

I groaned as I lay there on her bed. I was beginning to wonder if this was turning into a nightmare!

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