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20. Ambush

19. The plan

18. Protection

17. Escape

16. Trying to get things back to

15. Too much

14. Jon tests the Gun

13. Shrink Ray

12. Seemingly impossible

11. Smarter Than She Looks...

10. Waking up

9. Not fast enough

8. Poor Choice Of Words...

7. Sarah Gets The Rock...

6. Jon look's too much

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2008-03-27 01:16:47

873 hits, 37 views, 0 upvotes.

Body Swap FTM Omni Part Swap Super

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Karyn crept slowly toward Sarah's front door. Once there, she looked down toward her breasts, where John was wedged between them, quite comfortably although he would never admit it, and asked him telepathically,
"Are you sure I can just walk in the front door and she won't see or hear a thing?"
"I'm positive. Just open the door and go in. Her bedroom is upstairs", John responded, unaware that with his response he had alerted Sarah to their presence and she took her position behind her door, holding something she had wished for that would show them both who was in charge.
Karyn crept up the stairs very slowly until she came to Sarah's bedroom door. She paused here and John said to her, "Now remember, once you enter my power will no longer protect you. As soon as I freeze her, rush over and grab the stone." Karyn nodded and she opened the door.
Looking at her bed, they saw what they assumed was Sarah sleeping. John immediately sprang to action, flying out of Sarah's shirt and hitting the sleeping giantess with a freeze spell. Karyn then jumped forward and pulled the covers back, keeping an eye out for the stone. As she pulled them off she saw that it wasn't Sarah in the bed at all, it was just pillows arranged to look like she was sleeping. With a bad feeling, she turned around just in time to see Sarah slam her door shut, turn on the lights, and fire the gun she had been aiming at her the whole time.
"NO!" Karyn cried, putting her arms up in a futile attempt at defense. She thought Sarah had wished for an actual gun and braced herself for the pain as the bullet hit her but the pain never came. Instead a cold bright beam engulfed her, giving her a strong sense of vertigo. She could feel air rushing past her, almost like she was falling, and was very confused as to what was going on. When the light faded she looked around and saw that she was still sitting on Sarah's bed, only she was now six inches tall! Before she could run, Sarah leapt toward her and grabbed her. She then proceeded to pull off her tiny shirt.
"I got you now, you tiny bitch", she said triumphantly, "Let's see you get out of this with your stupid little powers. You're smaller than an ant now!" as she spread Karyn's breasts with her fingers. The roughness hurt Karyn and she tried to resist but even using both hands she couldn't even move one of Sarah's fingers.
"Where is he?" Sarah demanded when she failed to find John. A smirk crossed her lips as she said, "Oh, you sicko. You're in her pants, aren't you?" as she proceeded to rip off Karyn's jeans. Since they were tight, when Sarah pulled hard, she gave Karyn's a charlie horse and she cried out in pain. Sarah ignored this and pulled her panties off as well, checking for any sign of the tiny fairy. When she saw nothing she grabbed Karyn in her hand, holding her very tightly, with barely enough room to breathe, and demanded, "Tell me where is!"
Out of breath, hurting from the way she had been handled, and still disoriented from the shrinking, Karyn managed to say between gasps,
"I - don't - know. But - I - wouldn't - tell you - if I - did."
Sarah just smiled and said, "Even now, you're defiant. It must run in your family. Fine, if you don't care about what happens to you, then perhaps you'd care more about what I do to your sister"
Sarah maintained her grip on Karyn and reached into a fish tank she had on a night table next to the bed. When she pulled out her hand, Karyn saw that she was holding another shruken woman.
"No! YOU BITCH! LET US GO!" Karyn screamed when she saw who it was.
The woman in Sarah's hand looked defeated and resigned to her fate. She was completely nude, like Karyn now was and looked remarkably like her, except she was a few years older, had bigger breasts, and was taller (comparably) than Karyn. Karyn called out to her sister,
"Maggie! Maggie! Can you hear me? What did she do to you?"
Maggie groggily lifted her head and looked over at Karyn without saying a word. Karyn saw the look of a scared animal and furiously kicked and clawed at Sarah's hand to be released. Sarah just laughed and squeezed a little harder, making Karyn's new biggest concern being able to breathe. When she stopped struggling, Sarah said, "Now, are you going to be a good pet and tell me where your fairy friend is hiding or do I have to have some more fun with Maggie here?"
Karyn, honestly not knowing where John disappeared to after the initial attack, opened her mouth to speak when from behind Sarah, John came into view, glowing brightly, and looking very angry. He shot a bolt of lightning at Sarah, who managed to dodge it by jumping over her bed. He fired another one that hit she tried to dodge but it skimmed her head, singing her hair. As he prepared a third, Sarah threw Karyn down to the bed, and with her now free hand grabbed a pair of scissors from her dresser and held them, opened, at Maggie's neck.
"Back off or little Maggie here gets it!" Sarah demanded.
Maggie seemed to snap out of her trance and started screaming at the top of her lungs. John withdrew his third shot and landed on the bed where Karyn landed. She was hunched over in pain from the landing, she twisted her ankle and couldn't walk on it. John helped her to her feet and she looked at him, temporarily amazed by the beauty of his wings. At her size she could make out every detail and they were beatiful! She snapped out of it and said to John through tears, "She has Maggie! We have to do what she wants! Please, I can't lose my sister, she's all I have after my parents died".
John just hugged her tightly and struggled to find a way out of this.
Sarah gloated down at them, "Aw, isn't this sweet. It's like a puppet love story." She knelt down so her chest was even with the bed and looked down at them.
"Now then, let's get down to business. John, you need to do everything I say or, snip snip" Maggie had stopped screaming and was now crying silently.
"What do you want?!" John yelled up at her.
With a wide smile, Sarah said, "Fly up to that shelf over there, the one with the pink bear. There's a box next to it. Bring that here"
John did as he was ordered, and after lowering Karyn so she was lying comfortably, retreived the box. It was nealy half his size and proportitionately weighed a hundred pounds, which even as a male he had trouble with. With his female body he could barely move it. After struggling for a bit, he managed to get it to the bed, where he dropped and it and collapsed, out of breath.
"I didn't say it was break time", Sarah scolded, "Open it!"
John got to his feet and opened the box. Inside was a small glowing key, small enough for someone at his scale. As soon as it was exposed, the glow engulfed him. His fairy instincts told him what it was right away but Sarah explained it anyway, so Karyn understood what it meant, as he started to feel himself fade.
"It's a key to the fairy kingdom. I think you know that once a fairy returns to their kingdom they can never return to the human world. Isn't that right, Johnny?"
John screamed up at her, tears in his eyes, "You monster! I'll find a way back, I swear if it's the last thing I do, I'll come back and find you. We fairies live forever and if there's a loophole, I'll find it. And when I do, I swear, this will all seem like a pleasant dream!"
Sarah just laughed. She had already dropped the scissors and was waving at John. "Sure you will. Bye bye!" as he faded out of sight, taking the key and box with him.
Sarah threw Maggie down to where Karyn was and said to them, "Say your hellos now, because you're going to be awfully busy pretty soon"

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