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3. A week later, and an angry Mot

2. Magic Necklace

1. You Are What You Wish

A week later, and an angry Mother

on 2018-06-17 22:59:01

2858 hits, 213 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro Herm NBM Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Size

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"ERIC, get down here now!" You jumped up with a start why was your mother yelling at you now? What had you forgotten to do?

"Coming mother." You hurry downstairs not wanting to make the situation worse. Getting down to the kitchen you see the dishes you had used to make lunch for you and your sisters still sitting out. You had told Whitney she was to clean the dishes after lunch, since you had cooked. Although you hadn't cooked anything special, just some mac and cheese, you still felt she should have done at least that. However the problem is the dishes are your chore, her leaving them out meant you would get in trouble.

"Wait mom....I can...." You mind begins to slow as your watch your mom pace, as she does when she is angry. You notice that your gaze is no longer face level but down towards your mother's cleavage, more specifically the pendant that swung back and forth with her pacing.

"You can explain why you didn't do one of your only chores! This is crazy you always have to be reminded! You need to learn to be more like me! I deal with my responsibilities before I relax."

"Yes... more like you..."

"While your agreeing with me you need to get in shape, you shouldn't be fatter than your mother! You will start exercising with me, starting tomorrow!"

"Yes... exercise... more like you..."

Natalie didn't expect her orders to be taken so well, she was satisfied with the conversation so she decided to leave it there. Just as she was about to leave something else poped into her mind, she didn't know where it came from, but she knew she needed to say it. "Also you need to start dressing better, more like me." Why she wanted her son to dress more like her, she couldn't quite understand but she knew it was true.

"Yes... more like you... dress like you... exercise with you..." Natalie then left the room, a few moments later Eric woke up from his trance and started the dishes right away. After all the only way he could be more like his mother was to do things she would do.

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