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20. Let's get weird Dum

19. Upscale McMillans Become White

18. Sarah gets the stone...for all

17. Sarah Gets the Stone

16. Fanny and Sarah struggle

15. Fanny Confronts Sarah, But Isn

14. Sarah begins working on Karyn

13. The Next Morning

12. Fanny comforts Karyn

11. Karyn's Mom Becomes a Skank

10. Karyn gets Fanny oit of the al

9. Karyn Finds the Alley Next to

8. Jon sinks into his new whores

7. Jon Becomes a Whore

6. Grabbing the rock

5. Sarah doesn't like competition

4. Jon fights panic

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Let's get weird Dumbo becomes Piggy.

on 2013-02-01 21:32:14

1523 hits, 119 views, 1 upvotes.

Animal Anthro Aware Inanimate MC Myth NBM Omni Super TF

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Fanny began describing the changes...luxuriating in her old creativity as she tapped into the 'Jon' portions of her brain and layerd wave upon wave of change on the McMillans. Family history, personal background and deep genetics were opend, pulled apart and reduced to their most base and obvious level. Then...recreated in twisted, backward-slanting patterns. In a flash, the McMillans were among the most inbread of hicks, and Sarahs parents became brother and sister. The name had to go, as did the opinions and ideals. With a wave of her hand the new siblings were born and raised deep in the backcountry of Alabama. Swelling and screaming as the changes appeared, layers of billowy, sallow fat formed on their bodies. When it was over...

Bubba and Bertha McMudd knew that something had happened to them, but they couldn't seem to nail it down. They were ignorant, backwoods hicks of course (never been anything else) and though brother and sister, they loved each other and had sex often. They thought of their daughter 'Sarah' for a momant, then...forgot that name, and instead remembered a daughter named 'Beaulah'. Yes, that was it. Their daughet was Beaulah. Beaulah McMudd...

Fanny wished several more times, and soon the dirt poor McMudds were living in the same shitty trailer they'd always lived in. Not hating them as much as she'd hated Sarah, she made them deeply in love and happy with their lives of squalor. Bubba looked at his bloated, gut-heavy body with it's rancid smells and wild bodyhair, and felt nothing was out of place. He turned and saw his sister/wife, Bertha...and smiled. She smiled too, flaunting their crooked, yellowed, gap-toothed grins. She loved her big, strong brother. She waddled to him, her pale blubber undulating like milky waves as she embraced him...

Fanny didn't feel as satisfied as she'd wanted to. The McMillans weren't such monsters, so she'd made sure they were happy in their ignorance. She layed mines for the former Sarah to discover (both parents were sexually attracted to her, for one thing) but in the wasn't the same as changing Sarah.

Oh, if only Fanny had known.


"Wh-what's happening to me?" cried Sarah, as Jabba dragged her down the stairs, her parents following and giggling as they watched their daughter enjoying herself. Sarah fought and kicked, but it was obviously useless. The fat-armored Jabba was built like a truck, and her muscles were strong and powerful. Sarah found herself utterly unable to hurt the massive Jabba, and she laughed at Sarahs every attempt to twist away. She threw the cheerleader into a bed and her parents pinned her arms down while Jabba belted her ankles into restraints. Then she bound her wrists, holding the athletic young girl in an 'X' position.

"We gonna hav fun, Yankee gurl..." Jabba burbled as she waddled about the room, plucking toys and devices from the wall. "Yep, rots o' fun wit sucky-sucky an' licky-licky. Dumbo be so happy wit' Jabba when Jabba...huh?"

Jabba paused and cocked her head to the side, as her parents gasped and stepped back from the bed.

Sarah...was changing.

Unknown to her, as Fanny had changed Sarahs parents...he was changing her. Though his stone had been unable to make direct changes in Sarah, changing her parents had indirectly effected the her DNA had now been handed down from her new parents, who had now always been a pair of obese, inbred rednecks.

It started with her body, which softened and grew pale before swelling up with billowy, bouncy fat. Her buttocks heaved and her belly jiggled as Sarah screamed, not understanding what was going on. Were they doing this to her somehow? None of them held the stone. Was it Fanny? Impossible! She couldn't have gotton back so quickly, and Fanny couldn't know that the wishing stone was in the garbage upstairs.

Jabba for her part watched - mesmerised and facinated - as Sarahs changes continued. Sarahs face stayed...basicly the same, though it grew wider and more fleshy, as jowls and chins appeared. Her mouth changed as her lips grew thicker, her teeth becoming crooked while an overbite and buck teeth formed. Her nose changed the most, as both her parents now had large, blunted snouts and deviated septums that ensured grunting snorts when they breated through their noses. Her blond hair was still blond, but became dingy, limp and greasy.

"What are you...doing to me?" she whined, horrified by her sudden growth. She was wide and heavy, but perhaps only half the size of the massive Jabba. She gressed she was about 300+ pounds though...and that disgusted her.

"How skinny Yankee gurl get so beeg? Dat velly good trick. Maybe Jabba not call Yankee gurl 'Dumbo' afta all. Nice, beeg nose rook rike beeg pig snout. Dat good rook fer Yankee gurl. Cawl Yankee pig-girl 'Piggy' fum now on. You rike name, Piggy? Noce name for beeg, Yankee pig.

Sarah yelled and cursed at them all, raging obscenities and threats at them, which brought about more giggles than she'd have hoped. Part of it...was the snorting. Everytime her inhaled through her nose, she made a thick, heavy snorting that Jabba and her family found very entertaining.

After a while of listening to her...they began to dress her. Sarah struggled, but with Jabba holding her...she was helpless. Still, she screamed and thrashed as limb by limb and bit by bit...they fitted her into a tight, glossy pink bodysuit. Sarah weapt when she saw that the bodysuit - which was stretchy and breathable - incorporated a series of big, fake teats running down the front just under the two holes that her real breasts were left exposed. First one foot then another was belted into a pair of trotter-shaped booties - the straps concealed with lacey ankle coverings. Clumsy three-fingered gloves were fitted over her hands, and again the lace coverings were pulled up and afixed in place.

Then...Jabba came forward...holding a hood. It was a ridiculous thing, but it chilled her to the bone. Jabbas parents held her head tightly and drew back her hair into a tight bun, while Jabba smiled and said "Such pletty piggy." as she turned to hood to face her. It was a vinyl the shape of a smiling cartoon pig. The eyes were wide and empty, but whoever wore the hood would only barely be able to see through the tiny pupils of those eyes. The nose was even bigger than her real one, and atop the hood were big erect pig ears. The hood incorporated a shiny blond wig set and hairspreyed into a big, silly-looking bouffant.

She tried to fight it, but the tucked and strapped the hood on, covering her ears and endering her almost blind and deaf. She tried to beg them to stop, but something was forced into her mouth...and suddenly her speach became strange, mock-pig squeals. She tried to speak again, but again...squeals. She found she could hardly breathe through the thing in her mouth, and was fouced to breath through her nose exclusively.

GRUNT (squeal) GRUNT (squeal)

Something was strapped onto the lower part of her face, but she was far too tired to fight it anymore. They she could hear rustling and movement as something was fitted over the bodysuit. Things rattled and squeaked as they worked, chatting and laughing as they did things she couldn't see. Finally, they entirely unbound her and helped her up. Her trotter booties were difficult to manage if she didn't mince along, but she managed to do so slowly as her jailers attatched something to her suit...then turned something on.

The sound of a compressor popped into life, and she could feel her suit...swelling. She tried to struggle, but Jabba just laughed and said "Oh, you so funny cute, Piggy! Such pletty Piggy look so cute. But see..." a finger entered her vagina, and another slipped into her ass. The suit didn't cover everything. " wolking parts open fer fun. Fucky-fucky awl day rong."

"Yeah..." said Bethany "' dis suit we gotcha in is real nice. We're fillin' it up wit lots of air, so you're gonna look REAL' eventually BE real big. Ain't dat great?"

Sarah squealed and snorted in desperation, and Bambi giggled and touched her exposed mouth. "The gag we stuck in yer mouth is, like...jus' th' coolest thing ever! We've been doin' this sorta thing fer ages..."

("You've only been like this for a few hours." thought Sarah)

"' you can't be too careful when usin' a gag. The mesh tube tucks into your throat, keepin' you from breathin' easily...but allowing you t' eat. Clever huh? You can swallow dense material, but the mesh baffles an' changes yer speach...makin' everythin' you say come out like squeals."

She was tired and distressed...and a sharp pain in the back of her neck made her wince...then another. She raised her clumsy, three-fingered hand, but Bethany batted it away.

"That'll get her eatin' soon enough. The appitite drugs are gonna be goin' t' town on her...and that other one'll slow up her know. It'll make her all fat an' shit. Well, fatter."

The compressor was shut off, and she was shoved and prodded along. She couldn't see much of herself, but what she could see...was pink. She seemed to have a hard time moving, and her body was all out of ballence. She found that she couldn't fit through the stairway that led out of the basement. She could smell food...and it set her brain on fire. She didn't just want food...she needed it!

"Here, Piggy...we've got a table set up for you..."

Sarah waddled and stumbled towards a bench and table set infront of a mirror. When had they put this here? Had she fainted? She couldn't remember. The table was piled high with greasy, fatty treats and she glanced up into the mirror...


She was screaming "What did you perverts DO to me?", but all that came out were her pig noises. The creature in the mirror...was an enormous cartoon pig. The bodysuit had been so inflated that she looked like a huge, pink, multi-teated balloon topped with the head of a smiling cartoon pig. A pig with a blond bouffant and a bright pink dress. She tried to get up, but once sitting she seemed unable to maneuver her billowing bulk back in a standing position. She squealed and weapt...and another needle slid into the base of her neck. She felt strange and disconnected, and only barely heard someone say something about "psychotropic drugs".

Gods, she was hungry! Hungry...and floating. Floating over the body of a gigantic, cartoon pig girl. She watched with interest s the pig girl reached out with a clumsy, three-fingered hand and tried to pick up a slice of cake, only to have the cake slip from her hand. She grunted and squealed in frustration, but it did no good. She grabbed for some corndugs, but her clumsy hands wern't able to hold them either. She tried to use both hands, but the delicious foods just fell from them. Her hands were stupid, useless mittens! Finally, someonepushed her forward...and she fell snout first into the table. A corndog rolled before her, and she opened her mouth...and took a bite.

Her brain lit up like a pinball machine as she tasted the greasy, batter-fried meat. She found a use for her hands then, shoving foods within range of her wide maw. She glanced up...and saw a massive, cartoonishly smiling pig woman eating like a sow at a trouth. Behind her, some people were laughing...but she could care. There was food to eat...

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