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7. Jon's sex change III

6. Sex Change Operation

5. Jon wins a contest

4. At The Mall

3. Mall

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's sex change III

avatar on 2018-07-01 18:47:51

3459 hits, 236 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Animal Aware FTP Herm Musc Part Theft SciFi Super

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"We can set you up however you like, and don't worry, we offer a 90 day trial period, if you're not satisfied at any point just come back and see me and we'll see what we can do to help." she smiled, sliding Jon a card with her name & the store logo on it.

"So.. uh.. how do I pick what I want?" mumbled Jon, sliding the card into his pocket.

"Don't worry, it's just a simple multiple choice form." smiled the girl, picking up a light red form and writing Jon's name at the top, then sliding it along the desk to him.
"Now you fill that in, I'll be back in a few minutes" she smiled again, leaving Jon alone at the desk.

Seeing the girl walk away, Jon turned his attention to the form, before him lay a few hundred checkboxes, each with their description of what they will change.

"Wow..." was all Jon could manage to say to himself.
Picking up a pen, Jon got to work.

Well I don't really want to be a girl, but it looks like I'll have to go through with it for now Jon thought to himself.
Maybe I can try to change as little as possible

Checking through the options, Jon marked the majority as "minimal to no change", but there were a few options he hesitated on.

This is all reversible he thought, maybe I should try a little something here and there, nothing too crazy though

[Eye color]

[Hairstyle and color]

[Breast size and sensitivity]

Jon hesitated again do I really want to change this? he thought, preparing to check 'no change', well...

[General build]

"All finished?" smiled the girl, giving Jon a fright. "Oh sorry, did you not notice me come back?"

Jon shook his head, he'd somehow been so engrossed in the form he'd not seen her return.
"I think I've finished filling this out" Jon said.

"That's great, if you'll just follow me we'll get you processed.

She led Jon into what looked like a waiting room, but there was only 1 chair and a desk with a box on it.

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