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10. Playing dress-up

9. Self re-discovery

8. The Procedure

7. Jon's sex change III

6. Sex Change Operation

5. Jon wins a contest

4. At The Mall

3. Mall

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Playing dress-up

avatar on 2018-07-02 16:02:44

2470 hits, 209 views, 1 upvotes.

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The room was large, and flanked on both sides by a large number of shelves, full of all sorts of clothing, both male and female.

"Please pick out an outfit, then leave through the exit" a female voice said.

Jon scanned the shelves, the room seemed to have everything. Finding the underwear section, Jon inspected the selection.
There was everything from baggy boxer shorts to thongs so thin they could be dental floss.
Looking at the shelf, Jon noticed a note, "Try as many as you want, and take as long as you need. Everything should be in your size." it read.

Reaching in to the shelf he plucked out a pair of baby-pink panties. "I might as well try them..." he thought aloud to himself.
Slipping them on he was surprised how comfortable they were, though the soft groping of his crotch was slightly disconcerting. And the lack of leg fabric didn't help the feeling of nakedness.
Removing them and stuffing them back into the shelf, he thought again on what he should pick. "Why wear something I'm not used to" he mumbled to himself, picking out a pair of light blue boxer-briefs.
Putting them on, they hugged his female rump, and lacked the area to support a male bulge, instead fitting more snugly to his form. "Well, they're different, but they'll do" he shrugged, catching a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror.

"Next up, pants" he stated, marching over to the shelf containing lower body garments.
Another array of choice, shorts, leggings, slacks, jeans, skirts, and even more. Jon wasn't sure where to begin, but found himself in front of the jeans.
Reaching for the style of jeans he'd normally wear, he paused, a pair of jeggings on the shelf below had caught his attention. With a sigh, he picked them up from the shelf, unfolding them, he saw that they looked to be too small to fit, but decided to try them anyway.
Puling them onto his legs, they were tight, but surprisingly stretchy. Getting them over his butt was a struggle, but once up he was surprised by the snugness.
Moving to the mirror, he checked himself out. But quickly the sight of his jegging-clad femininity had given him the sensation of an erection again. "Dammit!" Jon cursed, quickly turning away from the mirror, "OK, I just need to get dressed then run home" he reasoned.

Rushing to the other shelves, he grabbed a simple black t-shirt, some socks, and trainers. Put them on, then headed through the exit. But as the door latched behind him he realised what he'd done.
"Shit" he whispered to himself, looking down "I forgot to take the jeggings off!"

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