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11. Keeper of the Rock

10. Wish quick!

9. Chest perfect

8. Homeward Bound

7. Into the Crowd

6. Jon gets a break

5. Is it Shoplifting?

4. Porn-Again?

3. Boys will be boys

2. Mom's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Keeper of the Rock

on 2000-12-22 22:41:58

1448 hits, 109 views, 0 upvotes.

Anthro FTM FTP MTF Magic Part Theft Super Unaware

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Jon had to act quickly! "I wish my mom would recognize me!" she squealed.

"What are you doing in my son's room?" demanded Jon's Mother.

"Don't you recognize me?" asked Jon.

"Sure I recognize you. You are the woman from the front door. Now what are you doing in my son's room?" she replied.

"I wish no matter what form I become my mother will always recognize me as her child!" said Jon quickly.

"I said I am not going to keep on cleaning up your room for you. In future young lady I expect this room to be kept clean. And there's another thing. What's with you and that Maxi Mound's lady? Just because you have the same measurements doesn't mean you have to keep all those picture of her around. It looks like you may be Are you thinking of becoming a stripper? I raised you to be better. Honey, we all know you have a large chest. In fact Dear, you are real and she's fake. You don't have to let people make you think you have to live a life like that. We don't have the money, but if you want a reduction " droned on her Mom.

"Mom! You shut my boob in the door! Could I just be left alone please!" interrupted Jon.

"Oh guess I did. Sorry! I'll be down stairs if you need anything" and with that her mom left the room.

Still holding the rock, Jon intoned, "I wish I had my old body!".

There was a brilliant flash of light. Then lying before Jon on the bed was Jon! (Hey! Oh, crap the wishes can't be undone! That means that means I am stuck like this well at least until I can think of a better worded wish. Look at my bed! I have just wished up my body without me in it!) John thought.

"Ah, I wish the body on the bed would just disappear until I wish for it to come back and I don't mean turn invisible; its to be gone until I wish it back!" said Jon and with a "Poof" the body disappeared and the phone rang.

"Jon, there's a man on the phone. He's name is Frank. He wants to talk to Jamie? He says he just dropped her off here? Have you been giving out different names again?" called up Jon's mom.

"Oh, crap! Its Frank. Oh, he was so very nice to me. I just wish I could be named Jamie..duhoo" said JAMIE as she dropped the rock and hit her forehead with her palm.

"Jamie you going to pick-up the phone or what?" asked Jamie's mom.

"I got it mom. Thank you Hello," said Jamie.

"Hiii, how are you doing? Did you make it in the house ok?" asked Frank.

Jamie smiled and started twirling the phone cord with her finger. "Hmm, I am doing better now that you called."

"You sure you can't make it out tonight? Let me make up for the bad day you've had." Said Frank

Boy, that hit the nail on the head, what a day it had been! "You know, I think my plans have changed. I'd like that. I'd like a chance to go out and unwind. That would be very nice. You got anything in mind?" said Jamie.

Did Frank have anything in mind? Beyond getting her legs behind her ears and making her beg for more? Sure there would be some great boob play as well, no Frank had to focus. Wow, this incredible girl was actually going to go out with Frank. She was major league. What a score she would be, except, well, except she wouldn't be a score, Frank liked her. He really did like her.

"Hello?" asked Jamie.

"I am on a budget. How about some fast food and a movie?" asked Frank.

"That'd be great. What movie?" said Jamie.

"Well..wellll Oh, crap, I just wanted to go out again, I don't even know what's playing!" laughed Frank.

Jamie started laughing too. "Ok, how about Bedazzled, I think I might enjoy that?" said Jamie.

"Ok, its been out a while, but why not. Can I pick you up in about two hours?" asked Frank.

"Two hours? How about four hours? I need to get ready, but you can come by early if you want." Smiled Jamie as she spoke.

"Ok, see you at about 4 pm. Byeeeeeee" said Frank.

"Byeeeee" said Jamie back, and then as she hung up she thought (Crap! I am going on a date. I am going on a date and I have only been a girl for a few hours. What's going on? How'd I get like this? What am I going to wear?)

Jamie used the stone for some minor simple wishing. She made herself some clothes, some bra's and gave herself knowledge about wearing makeup and feminine hygiene. They were simple wishes and very narrowly worded. Maybe she would be stuck as Jamie, but there was no need to make it permanent by wording a wish wrong. Sometime with Frank might be all that was needed to clear her mind to where she could wish her way out of this. She had gotten into this because the rock had fallen into the wrong hands. Should she take the rock on the date? Oh, wow, geeze who know how'd that go! She might wind up married and with children by the end of the date! Now, why did she think that? She did need sometime to think this out, and away from that rock! Karyn, her friend Karyn, she could care for the rock. She'd just have Frank swing by Karyn's on the way out. That was the plan and then Jamie got it in motion. First she got into her bath. She was mid way through doing her hair and make-up when Frank arrived. It was just the movies so she wore her thong panties, a front hooking 36T (T!!!) bra, the Capri pants from the morning and the same front buttoning T shirt. She had sandals and wore a light waist cut jacket. She had her long blond hair flowing naturally down just barley past her shoulders. She wore enough makeup to highlight her features without looking like she was wearing much makeup.

"You ready to go?" asked Jamie as she bounced down the stairs?

"I guess so, your mom as been giving me the third degree." Smiled Frank.

"Well, he's 20 and your 16, he deserves the third degree." Stated Jaime's Mom.

"Its ok! Mom well, you can trust Frank. He's a good guy." Smiled Jamie while taking Frank's hand.

Franks heart leapt into his throat. Wow, what a nice thing for Jamie to say. "Mam I will have your daughter home by eleven o'clock. I promise." Said Frank very sincerely.

"You better!" retorted the Mom.

"Oh, mom!" said Jamie as she and Frank headed out the door.

Once in the car, Jamie started the conversation.

"Can we stop by my friend Karyn's? I need to drop something off." Said Jamie

"Sure which way? Ah .ah Jamie, I had no idea you were only 16!" stammered Frank.

"Yea, and you are 20? That's just four years difference. Pretend you are 25 and I am 21 if it helps." Said Jamie while giving direction to Frank.

They quickly made it to Karyn's and Jamie ran to the door. Frank enjoyed the view of Jamie running to the door. Besides her outrageous bustline she had a very nice butt as well.

"Hello?" said Karyn.

"Its me Jamie." Said Jamie.

"Wait, Jamie? JAMIE? What did you do with the rock? You wanted to be a girl? A big girl I guess! You made yourself bigger than me! Ha, ha, ha" went Karyn.

"Shut-up. It wasn't me. This rock needs to be kept under control. I am going out and I need somebody to make sure it doesn't get used." Said Jamie.

"Going out? Oh I see who's the hunk in the car? You wanted to be a girl didn't you? Is he a wish too?" said Karyn while trying to push Jamie aside.

"LOOK HERE! My mom made some weird wish while I was at the mall is my best guess. Anyway, Frank there really helped me out when some guys . well, it got nasty and Frank helped. So, I am paying a debt. I just need the rock under control while I am gone." Said Jamie while handing the rock to Karyn and storming back to the car.

"Oh, you two have fun, and Frank you have fun too!" screamed Karyn while Laughing hysterically.

Frank thoroughly enjoyed the jiggling and swaying of Jamie's chest as she came back to the car. "What was that all about?" he asked while waving at the hysterically laughing, and jiggling in her own right, Karyn.

"Oh, just girl talk. Say, are we going to eat or what?" asked Jamie as they drove away.

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