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14. Back to the lockers

13. Movie 'Night'

12. On the ice

11. Getting dressed up

10. A pink costume

9. Drew Agrees

8. Skaters?

7. Locker Rooms

6. Drew Tells Kate

5. The Next Morning

4. The Storm Hits

3. Going to Work

2. Drew the College Student

1. Altered Fates

Back to the lockers

avatar on 2018-02-28 13:40:12

2550 hits, 100 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Part Swap Part Theft Unaware

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Arriving at the locker room, Kate had already gone inside a stall and was probably already changing back.
"You OK in there?" inquired Drew.

"Here, you can go change back too." a voice somewhere between Richard and Kate's replied, the medallion sliding along the floor from the stall, stopping at Drew's feet.

"See you in a minute then." Drew called back, picking up the medallion & heading into the stall where he left his clothes.

Unclipping the bra and slipping off the panties, he tossed them in the corner, then picked up his boxers.
Touching the medallion to them he felt a tingle pass through his body as a warmth grew in his tummy.
Placing the medallion and his boxers back down, the changes were already in progress.
The warmth moved downwards with his plumbing regrowing into its usual male state, his butt shrank back down as his hips narrowed. His waist and back reshaping to his regular form, with his legs reforming too, regrowing the body hair he was used to, and the various scars vanishing.
Watching his feet enlarge to their usual size, the change had already moved up past his flattened chest and was contorting his face. The awkward pinching and twisting quickly passing to leave him with his boring old face, and an itching on his scalp signalled the longer hair was returning to his regular short cut.

Slipping his boxers back on, something wasn't quite right, but he couldn't place what it was. Putting his jeans and socks on, Drew still couldn't shake the feeling something was off.

knock knock "I'm going to the snack bar, I'm starved" chirped Kate from outside the stall, now in a much happier mood than a few minutes ago.

Bringing his attention back to dressing himself, Drew caught himself trying to put the bra on again.
"the heck am I doing" he whispered to himself, tossing the bra back in the corner with the panties, before grabbing his t-shirt and slipping it on.

Picking up the medallion, he stuffed it into his pocket, grabbed Carrie's underwear, then jogged over to the lockers, as he'd done earlier.

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