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25. The Date

24. It's a Yes

23. Jon tris his Luck

22. Jon is defiant

21. Jon reluctantly agrees

20. The next morning

19. Things get even worse for Jon

18. Things have changed at home

17. Jon gains a new habit

16. More slow changes

15. looking at his future

14. Further Changes

13. Heading Out

12. Mom wants to see how this turn

11. Breakfast time

10. In the morning...

9. Changes Continued...

8. More slow changes (correct bra

7. Mom finds the stone

6. The next morning

The Date

on 2016-07-28 08:10:59

2294 hits, 149 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Herm Inanimate MC Magic Omni TF

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"Erm Sherry" Jon asked his mom in the kitchen "I'm going to go out for a bit....You know get some air....I need some time to you know myself....try to get used this new body"

Sherry eyed her new twin, who was wearing a long coat. "Ok sis, be careful though, your still not great on those heels"

Jon blushed and hurried from the house. Once outside, he jumped in the replica of his moms ford sitting on the drive, which turned out o be his and sped into town. It had been a tough day. His mom had made him go shopping, which had been the worse. Trying on women's clothes in front of a mirror and shop assistants constantly asking questions about what it was like to be twin sisters. After that Sandra had made him apply for a couple of jobs, one was as a secretary an the other was as a hotel receptionist. The final humiliation had been when she had signed him up to a divorcees dating site she was signed up to. He spent an hour arguing with her about how it was the last thing he wanted. How inside he was still a heterosexual guy. Sherry would here none of it though and in the had completed the forms with her own preferences.

After that Sherry had to make some errands, John cried off accompanying her and spent the rest of the afternoon picking out an outfit. It made him sick to search through his moms clothes in an effort to make his identical body look sexy. In truth he never thought he would get used to be her identical twin. In the end he went for a simple red knee length skirt, a white short sleeved blouse and black tights. He had agonised over the shoes, which was an embarrassing experience, choosing which high heels to wear. In the end he had gone with a pair of red suede pumps with a 5 inch heel and 1 inch platform sole. They would be hell to walk in, but if he was on a date with a woman wearing them it would drive him crazy. He had spent some time on his make up and hair, and had purposely taken off the wedding and engagement ring he found himself wearing.

Now as he wobbled toward the bar, he regretted his choice of footwear. His large breaths jiggled with every step and the skirt restricted his steps to a mincing walk. A groups of guys eyed him up as he entered. Jon had never hated being a woman as much as he did right now. If only he could find the stone! If only he was a guy again! If only he wasn't his mom's twin! Jon tucked his long curly auburn hair behind his ear and searched the bar. His heart did a little flutter when he saw Marie give him a little wave at the bar. He smiled and went over, heels click-clacking with every step.

"Hi" he said as they air-kissed

"Right back at you" Marie said and let out a nervous laugh "Erm I hope you don't mind, I bought us some wine"

"Oh no...that's great" Jon said. They picked up the bottle and glasses and looked for a seat. Jon felt an all to familiar craving. "Erm do you mind if we take a table outside?"

"Sure" Marie blurted and turned to walk. Jon looked longingly at her ass, displayed perfectly win a skin tight pair of jeans. He felt once again astringent mixture of lust and jealousy. If he had to be a girl, why couldn't it be a young hot woman like Marie, instead of his mom's identical twin! Jon shook his head, to clear those thoughts. Marie looked lovely though in a simple black halter neck top that showed off a pair of breaths almost as large as his own. She wore a pair of simple low heeled sandals and Jon glumly realised that without his own pair of sky scraper pumps, he would be considerably shorter than her. It would take some time to get used to not towering over his dates.

They sat and Marie told him about herself. She was 22 and had just moved to town to take a graduate job after finishing college. She asked Jon about himself and he blushed.

"I'm 44, separated from my husband. I've just moved in with my sister sherry, who is my identical twin by the way. Just in case, you know you see me around and I don't say hi!" He laughed nervously and Marie laughed to. Jon realised for the first time that Marie was just as nervous as he was.

"Oh you smoke!?" Marie asked suddenly. Jon realised he had pulled his cigarettes and lighter from the bag without even knowing about it.

"Erm yeah. Sorry. Is that a problem...I mean do you mind?" He stuttered.

"No of course not" Marie replied "I tried it once, but didn't like it. I mean not that it's that bad"

Jon lit up and blew the smoke above his head. He felt so old and uncool. "it is that bad and I"m desperate to quit"

"Maybe I could help you" Marie said coyley and Jon blushed. The sat in silence for a minute and then Marie spoke.

"Sandra....this is my first date with a woman. Normally you would be far from my type, but when you asked me, I just couldn't say no"

"Oh really...well actually it's my first date with a girl....well since.....since I separated from George" He recovered quickly.

"Oh so you dated girls before you were married?"

Jon squirmed in his chair "Well...yeah....when I was teenager"

"Wow back then it must have been hard!"

Jon blushed "Yeah...look I realise I'm old enough to be your....well let's just say I'm a lot older than I won't be upset if this is first and last date"

Marie looked panicked "Oh Sandra, sorry I didn't mean to suggest that you were too old! You look great for your....I mean..."Marie took a deep breath "Sandra I hope this will be the first date of many"

Jon hide his surprise and happiness. They chatted some more and then about an hour later Marie announced she had to go, but they agreed to meet for lunch tomorrow. When Jon got to his feet, wobbling, he realised the crotch of his panties was soaked through. They took the short walk to the car park and to his great pleasure shared a passionate French kiss. Job closed his eyes and pretended he was a guy again, wishing he could feel an erection instead of the warm wet stickiness I between his legs.

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