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18. Back to Normal?

17. Reflection

16. Realization

15. The next wish.

14. Three Cheers and Three Wishes!

13. In the Pines

12. The Ride

11. Oh My!

10. Leaving Early....

9. Getting Changed

8. to the lockerroom

7. Worries

6. A whole new Jon

5. School Time

4. Heart's desire?

3. Morning Dispute

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Back to Normal?

on 2001-08-18 11:05:16

1876 hits, 120 views, 0 upvotes.

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Sandra relished the feel of the stone in her palm, the smooth surface still cool from sitting in the shade. The first thing she needed to do was get back to normal. "I wish that I will not become what Jonnie said I'd become," she said, as clearly and distinctly as she could.

Relieved that that was taken care of, she considered removing the penis, but decided that she would need it for when she found Jonnie. She could understand why Jonnie might have gotten frightened and done something irrational, but that didn't change the fact that Jonnie was hers. Jonnie was the only other girl she could possibly date from their High School. It was obvious to Sandra that they were made for each other. She just had to show that to Jonnie.

She wished herself back home, and began to plot the best way to get Jonnie back. Sandra lived on the nice side of town, with parents that never seemed to pay any attention to her comings and goings so long as the police never called them. They gave her plenty of money, but that was about as far as their love extended. As a result, Sandra could do anything she liked while she was in her room with no fear of punishment.

She smiled. First things were first; she would have to wish Jonnie here and try to make her see the truth. If that didn't work, she could always use the stone.

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