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9. Cool Cats

8. Clothes make the ...

7. Jon picks a tree.

6. Finding the Right Spots

5. Subject to Normal

4. Flight of Fancy

3. Morning Dispute

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Cool Cats

on 2000-08-15 17:57:24

3123 hits, 162 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal Aware Inanimate Magic Part Swap SciFi TF Unaware

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After I blinked a couple times, I could see my clothes in great shape, but still didn't fit my new body very well. "What went wrong?"

"They only change when you change, silly cat." She grinned at me and put the stone away, then looked down at herself. "I wonder... I really want my breasts and hair to be back the way they were." Slowly, but visibly, Karyn's body reverted to what it had originally been. "Oh, that's why your earlier wish hadn't kicked in. I just had to want it badly enough." She rubbed her back, then made a face. "Of course, now my clothes don't fit me, either."

"Cool." I experimentally tried changing back into a leopard. In a few moments I found myself standing on all fours, tail flicking slowly in the air behind me, and found my clothes had disappeared. "What happened to my clothes?" I yelped.

I heard giggling from above me and looked up to see Karyn standing next to me. "Who ever heard of a leopard wearing clothes?" She bent down and scratched my ears again, then smirked and tugged at something around my neck. "They seemed to have become this collar." She kept scritching my ears and twisted the collar around with her other hand a bit. "Looks like you have a tag here with your name and address on it. How... fitting." She giggled. "There's even a spot for a leash."

"A leash?!" I yowled, bristling. "How insulting!"

"I think it's cute!" She leaned over and scritched my chin, which distracted me some, but then I noticed that her now looser top and bra were hanging rather open, and I could see...

Karyn looked startled, then blushed furiously and stood up as she realized the accidental show she was giving me. "Tom cat!" she muttered, then grabbed the collar in her hand and started dragging me down the street. "Come on!"
I yowled and had to start padding quickly after her. "Hey, leopards don't have to to go school!"

She paused in picking up my backpack. "You're right -- maybe you'd like to spend the morning in the zoo." She grinned and took the stone out again. "Or maybe in the circus. Or are you going to behave?"

I grumped and flattened my ears. "That's not fair."

Karyn giggled again. "No, it's not. This is fun teasing you, though."

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