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4. Show her.

3. Transformation

2. Your "Average" Joe

1. The Drafting Board

The reveal

on 2018-08-31 17:47:01

1025 hits, 74 views, 0 upvotes.

Anthro MC Myth Omni Part Theft SciFi Super TF

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Trying to figure out exactly how to say this, I pose Naomi a question. "What if you are right?"

"What?" She gawks at me.

"What if I did change?"

She just stares blankly.

"Yeah, I'm just messing with you." I laugh nervously. I lower my voice and motion her to come closer. Whispering next to her ear I tell her, "Go to the girl's restroom, I'll be there in a moment."

She just stares at me with disgust. "Why should I listen to a pervert's words?"

I sigh as I return to normal volume. "Look, just trust me. Nothing bad will happen."

"Okay, but I'll scream if you pull anything funny." She stops by my ear to spit harsh words into it, "Just so we're clear, I'm doing this because I trust my brother's judgement in you, not because I trust you."

Biting back the usual retort I give to my sisters, I nod. She gives me one last look before walking towards the bathroom.

"Now for the hard part." I mutter to myself. Looking around I notice that there's way too many customers to do this in front of people. Resigning myself that there's not choice, I go all the way out to my car to change my appearance. I get into the front seat and maneuver my way to the back seats to leave from the back doors. This way, no one would know that it's the same person who entered the car, unless they were really paying attention. Calming my nerves I focus on the idea of manipulating water and feel the transformation happen. It doesn't feel uncomfortable nor overly pleasant. Rather, it feels as if clean water was poured over me, comforting me with it's presence like I was standing near a waterfall. I hastily check my appearance as the feeling subsides. Staring back at me is the deep and vast blue ocean, with the waves crashing over my head. "Good. No problems here."

Cautiously getting out of the vehicle, I briskly walk over to the store, trying to ignore the terribly unsubtle catcalls and rush into the bathroom. I collapse to the floor once I get into a stall, gasping for breath. That was something I'd rather not go through again, though I did learn something interesting just from walking over here. I felt quite shy in this body, which only strengthens my idea that any transformation I undertake changes me into a completely different person mentally as well. Which must mean there's an easier way for me to become exactly who I was this morning. Focusing on that, I imagine myself how I was this morning and feel the changes happen again. This time it feels different as if I'm just changing clothes, only it happens much faster and is over before I get a chance to really pinpoint the exact feeling. Pulling out my phone I check my appearance again, it is slightly different to how it was when I met Naomi, but closer to that image she showed me. Taking care not to repeat that mistake again, I take a picture of the current me.

I hear grumbling on the other side of my stall, reminding me that I've kept Naomi waiting longer than I said I would. I tap on the door of the stall I'm in and whisper. "Naomi."

I hear her give a startled cry before whispering back, "How'd you get in here with me noticing?"

"Never mind that, I'm going to open the door, then close it, then reopen it."


"There's no one else in here, right?"

"Surprisingly, no."

"Well, prepare yourself." I say as I open the door. Revealing Chris, the fully functional male. "I look like Chris, right?"

"Yes..." She says with a hint of suspicion in it.

I close the door and imagine myself as the girl Senna, who I just named as that. Having gone through it consciously once before, the pattern becomes easier to spot and faster this time. I check to make sure who I am and then open the door. "Do I look like Chris now?" I say in a cute bubbly manner.

Naomi looks around her, opens the other stalls, checks outside the bathroom, before finally turning to me. "Who are you?"

"I am Chris, or rather, was." I can feel my cheeks blush rather shyly.

"Let me get this straight, you expect me to believe that you changed into that girl in a matter of seconds?"

I nod. "It's also why that image was off. I didn't know how to control my male image too well."

"Wait, wait, wait. This has got to be some sort of magic trick." She waves her hands in the air and darts her eyes around the room. "Okay, you can stop filming now, I get why the bathroom is empty now."

I shake my head. "I don't know if it's that thing's doing or if it's just coincidence, but what you are seeing is real." I pause. "Did you not see me rush into the room right before Chris appeared in this stall?"

She thinks for a moment, then her eyes go wide. "Wait, for real? How can you do that? Is it possible for me to as well? Can you transform into more things?" Her questions seem to fly non-stop until they seem to shift in topic as she slaps me lightly on the cheek. "Pervert, why can you change into girls?"

I hold my hands up in defense. "It's not my fault, when this weird entity gave me what I desired it took my desire to know what it was like to be a girl and combined that into my power."

"Oh yea, then what do you think about them now?"

"Girls?" I ponder that question, "I don't know, they're nice? Guys are scary though." I blurt out that last part unknowingly.

Naomi starts. "What did you just say?"

"That girls are nice?"

"No after that."

I think about what just I said, "Oh, I see. That's why it's so easy to talk to you."

"What?" Naomi tilts her head.

"I've figured out that my actions are slightly different based on what form I'm in, hence why I'm not a perverted guy in a girl's body. Therefore, it makes sense that my opinions would also change."

"But, why?"

I shrug. "Probably something to do with whatever gave me my power. It seemed like it gave me the most innocent form of what I desired."

"That's what I'm not getting. What power?"

"Oh sorry, guess I was a bit too excited. Something decided to grant me a power of my desire, so I told him transformation. What I was desiring at the time was the ability to transform into people who could control supernatural powers. I was thinking about becoming a superhero, you know. But it seems my desire to know what it's like to be a girl also became a factor in this gift." I pause as I see Naomi's eyes appear lost.

"And that means?"

"Basically I can transform into heroines only."

A silence falls over us as we both let the weight of those words sink it. I for one hadn't even begun to think about this power as being good, so it felt wonderful taking such a positive look on it. Naomi seemed to be thinking about something with her eyes closed and I could feel the weight of that drink I had finally hit my bladder. Not wishing to waste any time, I retreat back into the stall and close the door to go to the bathroom, leaving Naomi to her devices. When I had finally relieved myself and washed my hands, she turned to me with a glint in her eyes. Something told me that there's a troublesome idea brewing behind those eyes.

I hesitantly ask, "What do you want?"

Naomi grinned deviously. "Can you come over to my place?"


Her grin only broadened. "I want to see how many heroines you can become. I've always dreamed of being something like that, so can you humor my fantasies?" She asked giving me a puppy dog face.

In response to her inquiry, I...

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