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18. A really big mess....

17. Jon gets revenge

16. Boys really don't cry.

15. It can't be done

14. Alone

13. Suction

12. The Joy of Cola


10. Further problems....

9. Boys Don't Cry....

8. Jon decides to go home...

7. Tarting things up

6. Cosmetic changes

5. An opportunity to experiment?

4. Out to town

3. A new way to control the rock

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Things go from bad to worse....

on 2001-07-15 15:58:36

629 hits, 29 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro Aware FTP MC Musc Myth Size Unaware

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"I wish you'd be Kevin again." Jon states.

Nothing happened.

"I wish the person in this room with me would look like Kevin looked five minutes ago."

Nothing happened.

"I wish the person in this room with me would be an anatomicly correct male."

Unfortunately, Jon was standing slightly outside the bathroom in the hotel room where Karyn was unpacking her things...

Jon heard Kevin's voice, "Jon! What did you do to me!?"

When Kevin saw Karyn (with his body), it only made him cry more).

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