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3. Girly

2. The magic bracelet

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2018-09-28 21:42:17

6058 hits, 385 views, 10 upvotes.

FTM FTP Inanimate MTF Magic Musc NBM Omni Size Super

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"I wish the bracelet would curse the wearer to act and dress girly and love it!".

In his minds eye he saw Karyn slipping into a nice skirt, and tight top and smiling while she walked through school. She would love it and yeah, he would love it, too. He couldn't help but smile at the thought as a thin silver bracelet materialized on his nightstand.

"Perfect!" he said. It looked nice enough to attract but not overly noticeable. Driven by his curiosity he placed the stone next to the bracelet and picked it up to examine it more closely.

It only took him a second to realize his mistake. He looked down at the bracelet in his hand and suddenly wanted to slip it onto his wrist, he knew he shouldn't but he just really wanted to.

"No, no, no I can't... but I want to... NO! but it would look great on me... Damn, no!" With a swift motion he slipped his hand through the bracelet so it rested on his wrist. "Crap! It was for Karyn, not me!" He tried to slip his hand out of the bracelet but it was stuck to his wrist, no matter how hard he pulled, he could not get it off. Then he remembered that the wearer could not take it off, only somebody else could.

"I've got to fix this." he said and picked up the stone. "I w.... I w....", he concentrated harder, "I w.... Damn!". He couldn't say "I wish".
"Right", he thought he wished the wearer could not use the stone. "Shit, I'm stuck with it, what do I do now?". His heart pounded, his thoughts raced. "Karyn! She can fix it. She can take it off me or use the stone to get it off".

He had to go. Now.

Jon took off his PJs and reached for his boxers. Something stopped him, they were so ugly! He wanted something more "girly", "soft", "sensual". "No, these are mine!" he yelled. Still, he couldn't make himself put them on. He knew what he wanted but he also knew he couldn't do it. "Well, it's just underwear. Maybe, ..." He was already on his way to his mothers room... "It's just underwear, nobody will see it". His hands were shaking with anticipation as he opened his mothers dresser to pick up a set of lacy panties. "She won't miss one...", with a swift motion he slipped into the panties. He was rewarded with a wonderful feeling of sexiness and accomplishment. "Damn, that feels good".

He looked at the bras in the drawer and felt the desire to put one on as well. "No, I don't have boobs, I don't need a bra!". It took all his will power to close the drawer.

Breathing deeply he stood in front of the drawer and noticed a new package of pantyhose on top of it that his mom had bought a couple of days ago. "Oh, crap." He wanted it, he needed it. He had always liked women in pantyhose but at this moment he knew he couldn't go without. He tried to stop himself but picked up the package and opened it. It was nude pantyhose with a definite shine to it, he loved it! He looked down at his hairy legs. "That won't do!" His body went on autopilot as he almost ran to the bathroom. He picked up his moms razor and started to shave his legs. "I shouldn't do this! but oh it feels great. I can wear pants, nobody is going to notice...". When he was done he didn't quite understand why but applied his moms lotion to his legs but it felt wonderful. While he put lotion onto his face he noticed a tube of lipstick and was just dying to apply it. "No! everybody will notice!" Thankfully he also found lip gloss next to the lipstick and applied it to his lips, he just loved the feeling of the gloss on his lips.

"What am I doing? I got to get out of here!". He turned around and hurried back to his moms room. He had seen his mom put on pantyhose, so he gathered it up, put his feet into them and pulled them up. Oh, it felt so good, "how could any woman go without them?" he wondered. He felt amazing now but he needed to get to Karyns, so he had to get dressed.

When he opened his moms closet he immediately noticed her little black dress and suddenly imagined himself wearing it. "That would be wonderful...No, I'm a guy, I can't wear a dress!". Scanning through the closet he pulled out a fairly tight jeans and a t-shirt. The shirt was red, a womans cut and it did feel girly to him while being just a shirt. The jeans was almost a skinny jeans, girly but still jeans.

Once he was dressed he felt the wonderful jolt of girliness that he loved so much, he ran his hands over his clothes enjoying the feeling and striking some girly poses, he loved it! Now he needed shoes. Flip-flops were out, he was wearing pantyhose. He found all sorts of shoes in the closed and wanted nothing more than to wear his moms 4-inch patent leather pumps. He knew he would break his feet wearing those. After a short struggle he decided on a pair of black ballet flats, he tried her trainers but they were just not girly enough for him. Thank goodness his mom and him wore almost the same size.

Back in his room he tried again unsuccessfully to remove the bracelet. He looked down at himself, shirt, jeans, nylons and flats - too girly for him but they made him feel beautiful. "I can't go out like this but what can I do?" He grabbed the useless stone and slipped it into his pocket. "It barely fits, these jeans have very small pockets." he thought as he ran down the stairs.

"I have to get to Karyns... I have to get to Karyns... she can fix it.." was all he could think of.

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