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3. Learning is FUNdamental!

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Learning is FUNdamental!

on 2005-03-31 18:26:27

3638 hits, 164 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon met up with Karyn in their fourth period class, the first class that they were both in. The class was General Science and it was taught by Mrs. Raiford, a woman that embodied the stereotypical boring teacher image to the t. The class itself was made up of only 8 students (including Jon and Karyn) due to a scheduling snafu that maxxed out the number of students in the other General Science classes.

Jon headed to the back of the classroom and sat down in a desk right next to Karyn.

"Are you ready for another rip-roaring period of long-winded lectures and incomprehensible class excercises because I sure am," said Jon with a hint of wry sarcasm.

"(Sigh) Not really."

"Well that's too bad because I can see her walking down the hall with her lesson plan for the day, I can tell from here that it's going to be pretty boring," said John leaning across his desk so that he could see out the class door.

"I really miss the elementary school science classes. Back then it was actually cool to learn about photosynthesis and stuff like that. Nowadays I can barely keep my eyes open," said Karyn as she sighed again.

Jon put his hand into his front pocket where he kept the stone, he fished it out and was about to give it to Karyn.

"Yeah, back then all we ever did was watch tapes of the Magic School Bus. I always loved that show and the books it was based on. Here's the stone, just put it in your purse where it will be safe until you think of a wish that can reverse your predicament." Jon handed Karyn the stone underneath the table so that no one would see that he was giving her something.

"Thanks, I'll just hold on to it until school lets out," said Karyn as she took the stone, "Yeah, I remember that show. I loved it. It was really cool how the kids went on those field trips so that they could learn about science first hand. I wish that Mrs. Raiford would teach her lessons more like the way that Mrs. Frizzle taught hers. That would ve really coo..oh crap."

Jon and Karyn looked at each other as they realized what Karyn had just done. They were forced to close their eyes as the wish took effect. Jon looked to the front of the class to see what had changed when he saw Mrs. Raiford enter the room.

"John what happened? I didn't mean to make a wish, I just kinda spoke out loud without thinking."

"Brace yourself, Karyn," said Jon, "this is going to be weird."

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