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3. super heroes

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Come on, no one though about that ?

on 2014-01-05 08:44:51

1452 hits, 55 views, 0 upvotes.

Age FTM Magic Musc NBM

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The next morning, Jon met Karyn on the way of school.

"I have a perfect idea for a wish." Says Jon.

"I'm not sure it's a good idea to use that thing again, Jon." says Karyn.

"Come on, you will love it." begs Jon

"Okay okay, spit it..." says Karyn with a sigh.

"We could be superheroes !" says in joy Jon.

Superheroes wasn't really the kind of stuff Karyn was into, but yes indeed the rush of saving lives against adversity with a cool attitude was something... interresting.

"Hum, you know comics aren't really realist. If superhumans in tight pants were messings around into justice, the police will try to arrest them and the government won't like to have human weapon walking free in the country. Plus, seriously, poeple will does the math and find our secret identities quickly." Says Karyn

"Well we'll just have to wish for not too obviously supernatural powers and for the secret identity I had an idea from a comics named shazaam. Where the super hero is in fact an 8 years old boy who can turn into a twenties years old body builder." Says Jon.

"Okay, why not if you want... we could try..." surender Karyn.

"Okay, so I wish that I had an alternate form that I can turn into and change back at will. I wish that alternative form was..."

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